adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Thursday, 08-Sep-16 19:30:36 UTC

  1. The most subtlest thing I've ever seen: In the comic Saga # a wooden rocket (a rocket tree) in a panel right next to another panel with a mango. Same orientation, same length (on the page). I like Saga but that was overkill and frankly very off-putting. I'm not a prude but that was unnecessary in the story and NOT funny. Maybe to Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples when they plotted the story but to me it didn't have any point in being there. In the grand scheme of the series it isn't a deal-breaker in buying future issues but that was nagging me very much and affected my happy reading mood for the rest of the day.

    Thursday, 08-Sep-16 19:30:36 UTC from web