Zenneth (zennx)'s status on Friday, 07-Oct-16 14:55:40 UTC

  1. https://torrentfreak.com/mpaa-says-portugals-pirate-site-blocking-system-is-world-leader-161007/

    here's what you need to bypass Portugal "world leader" pirate blocking system:
    1- right-click the wi-fi/network button on dashbar
    2- click open Network and Sharing
    3- click your adaptor
    4- click properties
    5- find IPv4 Protocol and click it
    6- Manually set the preferred DNS to
    7- Save changes
    8- Enjoy as you are now a |_337 |-|4x0|2 who just beat the "world leader" in anti-piracy

    Friday, 07-Oct-16 14:55:40 UTC from web