Puzzlemint (puzzlemint)'s status on Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 01:22:43 UTC

  1. @pseudoartiste @mayhapmurklins I suppose the most sensible thing would have been to say, "Oh, hey, here's my schedule: http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/3371/shede.png -- may I see yours? Maybe we can figure out a convenient time in which to say "hey"". || I hope I'm not bugging you guys with this -- and if I am, please tell me so I can stop -- it's just that I do live out of town, and so I don't actually have that many friends IN town, and fewer still on campus. It would be nice to be able to be able to hang out with people who share a common interest on more than an "every other saturday"-basis. Um, you know, if that's alright with you..</fluttershy>

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 01:22:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context