naa's status on Friday, 16-Sep-11 11:19:19 UTC

  1. G'mornin' everypony! Well, afternoon I should say ^^; 12:06pm is my time of waking up this morning, an improvement, but I am going to have trouble gettting to sleep early tonight for !midlandsbronies tomorrow...eugh. Also I had another dream last night, a lot more coherent than the one I described on here recently, it was just me as a tourist on what I can only assume was Jurrasic Park, for some reason they had lions caged up in an enclosure, and a tornado began to hit the place, and right at the end of it I went to grab a cuddly toy for a kid who was crying for one, something flew in my face and the dream ended. Didn't see a single dinosaur in the dream to my reccolection which was odd, but like I said a lot more coherent than my dreams usually are.

    Friday, 16-Sep-11 11:19:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context