Alcoholic Beast (drinkingpony)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-19 23:23:30 UTC

  1. Hmm, Well, Extra Credits did it again. This time they tried to jam the idea of "Nazi's are bad people !" into their talk about video games so hard that they are now about receiving 20 thumbs down for every 6 thumbs up.

    Meanwhile, yeah I agree with the general message behind what they are saying. We must stop trying to normalize the idealisms of Nazi's. However to blame Video Gamers is Jack Thompson levels of insane to me, especially if you see how the arguements are formed.

    Heck I am sure that the fact that there is a president in the U.S.A. who is being called a Nazi like clockwork is doing harm to 'normalize the Nazi's' than a game called "The life of Erwin Rommel, the VR experience"

    No use looking that up either, I just had to think of a stupid game title and I had a brain fart about Fennec Foxes earlier...

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-19 23:23:30 UTC from web in context