adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 17:14:25 UTC

  1. @thismightbeauser I have read that but every available solution doesn't solve my problem. All of them need to have a setup that's not worth the hassle. I make the methods public now and I commented that no other class is allowed to use that. Background: I have screw holes and screwing tools. I intend the screw holes to manage entering and leaving the screw hole zones for interaction. The screw holes inform the screwing tool that it has entered the zone and can interact with it. I manage every interaction through interfaces instead of concrete classes because the screwing tools can inherit from an already existing class (like a standard interactable object class) and C# is boring and doesn't allow inheriting from multiple classes.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 17:14:25 UTC from web in context