adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Thursday, 22-Aug-19 14:40:32 UTC

  1. @thismightbeauser I use Unity for creating VR trainings at my work. So far I'm not done with my code. I'm restructuring my code constantly and I plan to introduce your proposal towards the end when I have something functional first. I'm also a bit hesitant how it will work with the packages I already use that heavily rely on reflection (Odin Inspector, Bolt). My damn "screw hole" code has about 1000 lines of neatly formatted code and my "cordless screwdriver" is at about 1200 lines. They are so big because I need to ensure nothing breaks when I toggle all of them interactable on or off.

    Thursday, 22-Aug-19 14:40:32 UTC from web in context