Matt (zeldatra)'s status on Tuesday, 25-May-21 08:03:46 UTC

  1. annoyingly, for Swole Foods I have to design a new police car 3D model from scratch instead of using the one I've already got for The Twin Souls, for geographic accuracy. Over in Denver, they use (or at least did, in 2016) Crown Victorias and mountain-ready SUVs, so I modeled a Crown Victoria expy. Here in Virginia, most localities use Dodge Chargers, which I will tbf have to model eventually, AND the state troopers use these weird, ugly-looking Ford Taurus-type cars, AND in Northern Virginia occasionally you'll see Capitol Police around because congressmen live here and apparently that means that they have jurisdiction here??? Those guys use Crown Vics. So I can at least just texture-swap that. But I'm gonna have to model the other two from scratch.

    Tuesday, 25-May-21 08:03:46 UTC from web in context