Scribus (scribus)'s status on Wednesday, 29-Dec-21 07:21:05 UTC

  1. I bought Sims 4 on Steam almost exactly one year ago. I played for 63 hours before filing it under "REGRETS." Today I requested a refund, which I do not expect to receive. It doesn't matter; I only paid $5.99 for it. And it even came with some DLC bundled in!! Which I kept forgetting because Sims 4 is such a pathetically stripped-down experience!!!! I just wanted to make it as clear as possible to these asswipes that I hope their own mothers disown them, y'know? Ever get that mood?? Damn me but I sure do live in it.... I keep wondering, "Is this Autism? The rigid black-and-white thought, the godrotten RRAAGGEE when people don't DO THINGS RIGHT or don't DO THE RIGHT THINGS??" Or am I just an asshole? PTSD maybe?? Unresolved childhood beatings??? All of the above???? The ADHD diagnosis has been beneficial, the Adderall has been genuinely helpful... and yet, my cherry remains papayaed up. Was it brain damage? I've had too many head hits in my life.

    Wednesday, 29-Dec-21 07:21:05 UTC from web