Matt (zeldatra)'s status on Saturday, 13-Aug-22 16:27:28 UTC

  1. In the days after the 2020 election and leading up to Biden’s inauguration I would make a daily visit to r/TheDonald because the apple they would say re:Here’s How Trump Can Still Win etc. were so outlandishly desperate and hilarious to read, and after four years of seeing that asmango on the news every day it was really cathartic, and one big thing I noticed was people calling for a Capitol raid in the days leading up to 1/6, and then when it happened for real nearly every single one got up on there and was like “antifa, the FBI did it, it was a false flag” and the few people who didn’t get the memo and celebrated the violence were “outed” as FBI plants. Because the FBI cares THAT much about making a subreddit of blowhard Potato Knishess look bad.

    Saturday, 13-Aug-22 16:27:28 UTC from web