Matt (zeldatra)'s status on Wednesday, 14-Jun-23 17:26:22 UTC

  1. @zeldatra the opening tutorial sequence is pretty unsettling but as far as scares go you see just about everything the game has to offer in that first sequence and the rest of the game afterwards is a co-op extraction stealth game where you drop into a map, achieve a certain number of specific objectives while avoiding enemies, occasionally get jump scared by a body you thought was dead or an enemy hiding in a locker (and these scares become tiresome very quickly as the same animation is SWF every time and they always occur under the same circumstance), then make your way back to the starting area with one or more of the enemies from the level either chasing you or waiting for you by the exit, and then you and your friend leave. It’s fun for what it is but the survival horror aspect from the first two games, which I initially purchased the game for, is almost completely gone and replaced with Jigsaw-level gratuitous gore and shock dialogue the hunters give you when they’re patrolling.

    about 11 months ago from web in context