adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Dec-23 20:56:53 UTC

  1. Like a Dragon Ishin starts to feel good to play after 5 chapters, similar to Yakuza 3. Once enough skills are unlocked combat the combat is suddenly fluid and doesn't feel like brakes are applied all the time. The only things I don't really appreciate is that there are soooo many money sinks everywhere. I get it that they don't want to make the player accumulate too much money like in the other games. Fine... But progression is also somewhat tied to money like the crafting and enhancing of weapons. I'm constantly low on money. Also seeing familiar faces with different names is discomforting, like Majima being called Ogita and Kiryu called Ryoma/Saito. It just f-up what I've learned in 9 games. It gets better with time in that regard.

    about 6 months ago from web