Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Wednesday, 23-Nov-11 19:55:26 UTC

  1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony ah, ohkay, cool :) my story for still considdering and probably jumping at the chance to become a vegetarian pretty much has to do with me not wanting to be a bother to the cook who creates hot meals for 15 people. And that I still have not yet tried a Quorn cheese grillend sandwich... But when I cook for myself I steer into the vegetarian section of meals... also Meat is a very VERY cheap source of proteins and whatnot. So sadly before I become a vegetarian there are going to have to be some changes around the availibility/cost of foodstuffs down this area... sadly.

    Wednesday, 23-Nov-11 19:55:26 UTC from web in context