Steve Rondeau (vorpalbob)'s status on Thursday, 22-Dec-11 07:46:43 UTC

  1. Hey, !vancouverbronies . Just got back from a solstice party. My mother and all her witchy friends like to get together and drink homemade maple mead and burn papayas, and they brought me and Flashpoint along for musical accompaniment. It was pretty cool, but the best part was my solstice gift from my mother. She got me a Mare-Do-Well poster, which now holds a place of honour above my bed. In other news, there is a brony meetup in Seattle on January 8 which I am hoping to attend. Perhaps we could make an event of it, and a bunch of us take the train down together? Trains are fun. According to my research, for a round trip from here to Seattle would be just over $100. The bus would be around $80, but I think the extra is worth it for a train ride, wouldn't you say? Buses are smelly.

    Thursday, 22-Dec-11 07:46:43 UTC from web in context