Mika Virgil's home timeline


  1. Dudes... An empty high caliber military ammunition box is cheaper than a flimsy tin box of similar size. I cannot comprehend.

    about 5 months ago from web
  2. Gonna assemble myself a first-aid box. I have the feeling that all the ready-to-go purchasable ones are lacking in material and actually useful bandages. Also the ones with any number of pieces in the title are even more scummy as they count every single safety pin and other useless small piece. I want middle to big band-aids. Furthermore I don't need a hard plastic case or yet another nylon zip bag. For my car I need one of those ready-to-go ones that are mandated but that is a different thing.

    about 5 months ago from web
  3. OK... The birthday present was a huge success. It was received very well. Too well... To my dismay I got a request to make Unown tiles (from the 3rd Pokemon movie) for their birthday.

    about 5 months ago from web
  4. It's weird when acronyms have overlapping meaning. For example POS. I read it as Point Of Sales but the Internet abbreviates Piece Of Fluffle Puff that way. When the cashier is an asshole both can be applied.

    about 5 months ago from web
  5. For a birthday gift for a friend, and a small pokemaniac, I crafted a Mew stone carving (from the first Pokemon movie) out of polymer clay. I used Adobe Illustrator to trace a screenshot and 3D-printed a cookie cutter and stamped it into the polymer clay and added additional stone texture with a ball of aluminium foil. After baking it at 130°C (266°F) for 40 minutes I used the crappiest acrylic paint I own. It did the job but the paint is darkening so much when dry that they turn almost black. With a liberal amount of white and other brighter paint (yellow, orange, red) I got to the end eventually. https://i.imgur.com/D7Nsjy5.jpg

    about 5 months ago from web
  6. I just ordered a pack of blank ID cards. i want to use them as mini dry erase whiteboards for notes inspired by https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5772876 However I want to put magnets on the back so I can place and reorganize these notes on my whiteboard. I could write directly on the whiteboard but I'm quickly annoyed on how any bigger change needs to redrawn and thus rarely used. This is an effort to get more organized.

    about 5 months ago from web
  7. Hope everyone checked their kids’ champagne glasses for razor blades

    about 5 months ago from web
  8. AI image generation is dangerously addicting. It's like a loot box where one hope to get a good image or the perfect image. I've spent too much time yesterday generating portrait images for preparing to my D&D adventure. Also Bing's Dall-E has a content filter that makes it a little bit more tricky to make grotesque images. For example I wanted to create a fleshy and bloody amalgam of unicorn body parts that assemble into one giant and colossal unicorn. The background is that the heroes have defeated the wizard that used unicorns and their blood to fuse animals together. However the remnants of that magic and unicorn blood and the disposed bodies were tossed into the sewers and spread through the rivers. Now they have to "clean up" the whole mess and be some kind of Ghostbusters but with bloody unicorn blobs with veiny tendrils instead of ghosts.

    about 5 months ago from web
  9. I think I unwrapped my blood donation bandage at least an hour too soon O_O

    about 6 months ago from web
  10. Hot baths (above body temperature) feel good when sitting inside the bathtub but feel awful when getting out of the tub. My whole circulation system of my body is then out of whack and I feel sickly numb and real sweaty. I get it that it's a very fever-like reaction but damn it is not on my mind when sitting relaxed in the tub.

    about 6 months ago from web
  11. Can’t believe they let Hunter Biden present an award at the Game Awards

    about 6 months ago from web
  12. My morning cashier would’ve been real popular in the Miami clubbing scene in the 80s if you catch my drift

    about 6 months ago from web
  13. My final boss in Lost Judgment is Poker. I'm in a chain of side missions that need me to win in Poker (Texas Holdem). Sad thing is that I get always the worst cards and have not even got a dumb pair in 20 games.

    about 6 months ago from web
  14. (And yes, also just a guy that lost control and smashed into a transformer)

    about 6 months ago from web
  15. Car explodes at US-Canada border. All major media reports that it was a Palestinian terrorist. FBI investigates. No explosives, no terrorists, not even a Palestinian guy, just some dude that lost control of his car and burst into flames on impact. Only text retractions on the original articles, no on-air retractions. Love the media in this country.

    about 6 months ago from web
  16. I’ve been carrying foreign currency in my wallet for a bit too long but you have to actually go to the airport to exchange it so it stays with me

    about 7 months ago from web
  17. Today was the day of the bomb disarming. They found a second bomb nearby and disarmed it as well. Nothing happened except for stupid people who were entering the evacuation zone. It happened a few times and delayed the whole operation. People who are caught in the evacuation zone (also in their apartments hiding) get a fine of up to 5000€.

    about 7 months ago from web
    • @adiwan Looks like you've had more practice cleaning up your post-war cities. Or maybe it's just the legendary German efficiency.

      about 7 months ago in context
    • @scribus It took about 4 hours to evacuate about 5000 people out of the area. Then it took another 3 hours to get rid of the bombs including interruptions.
      The legendary German efficiency is more a legend now. Living here you'll see that there is a lot left on the table when it comes to efficiency. The biggest and most visible joke are the trains that are always late or don't work when there is any kind of weather.

      about 7 months ago in context
  18. I’m about to be the only member of my family left in Virginia so I’d been looking into finally making the move to LA. Then I saw that an interstate over there had to close indefinitely because the ground caught on fire and all ten lanes were unusable. California is really trying its best to seem unlivable.

    about 7 months ago from web
  19. Knew I was in for a fun time with this new transfer when I asked which store she came from and she replied “that’s personal information I’m not answering that”

    about 7 months ago from web
    • Show all 9 replies
    • @zeldatra Hot diggity!!

      about 7 months ago in context
    • @scribus update on this: apparently she had somewhat successfully lied her way into the position she was in. She’d been hired as a deli clerk and was transferred to my store after basically becoming to much for the previous store to handle (thanks for that, guys!). Then when she got here she concocted this plan to basically act like she’d been promoted with the hopes that we’d give her the pay of an assistant manager for at least a while before we found out. Her refusal to answer most of my questions was because she didn’t want me finding holes in the story, like her refusal to tell me what store she came from was to stop me from contacting her previous manager and finding out that she was just a deli clerk - before the whole thing went down I had already figured out what store she was from because… it was listed under her file, which I genuinely can’t believe she didn’t think I would check. Before I was able to ask the manager there about her though, she’d already been fired.

      about 7 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra That is at least a week's worth of comics right there

      about 7 months ago in context
  20. Got the new Cities Skylines, fun times fun times! Got a weird fixation on a six-sided grid as opposed to the regular right angles and all. It's obsessive, I can't stop. It's like some kind of curse. Or maybe even a hex!

    about 7 months ago from web
    • @scribus I have hundreds of hours in the first one and the second one is driving me absolutely insane because of how much more in-depth it is, I can’t approach things the way I did in the first game because the first game didn’t have apple like air pollution, so now I gotta not put my factories upwind of a suburb. This is a good thing, I get sort of complacent in how I game, it just surprised me how much the game tries to kick old players’ asses in some regards.

      about 7 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra I spent half an hour relocating a water pump and even the road leading up to it, trying to get better than 10% efficiency. Then I found out that it actually needs to be fully staffed to be fully functional :o

      about 7 months ago in context
  21. voting on Halloween because adulthood is tedium

    about 7 months ago from web
  22. Dodged some trick-or-treat-ers by having all my blinds down. Also it is slightly raining, so they weren't eager to try. Maybe next year I'll craft an auto-candy-dispenser. I have enough micro controllers.

    about 7 months ago from web
  23. the kosher section of the store is expanding into the halal section and it’s causing some problems

    about 7 months ago from web
  24. cherryin hate being my own audio engineer, can we crowdfund a studio for me just so i can pay a different guy to set this up for me

    about 7 months ago from web
  25. Which is to say, the pilot tries its best to be a black comedy, but every dark joke has to be a) only about as dark as what you’d see on Cartoon Network at 6pm on a weekday, and b) they have to counter balance it with wacky game jokez 4 kidz and meta commentary. It gets in its own way a LOT so by the time we got to the obligatory 2001: A Space Odyssey spoof about twenty minutes in I was fully checked out.

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra Yeah, just watched it and first impression is that if I were the studio exec, I'd only greenlight it if we were having a really good year or looking at a very desperate one. Close, there's potential, but it's no Helluva Boss.

      about 7 months ago in context
  26. 34+ hours in, and I have **finally** won a game of # !vgp #

    about 8 months ago from web
  27. Maybe my sense of humor is just broken but I dont really think the new circus show is really all that funny

    about 8 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra I think it would be funny if I actually got a job at this GameStop and then showed up two hours late on my first day because the godrotten morons couldn't accurately advertise the hours of their job faire

      about 8 months ago in context
  28. Cool. Cool. Another bomb from WW2 has been found in my city and the planned defusing of that bomb is in a few weeks. Need to prepare for an evacuation, mostly for my mother as she lives in the evacuation zone. At the edge of it but everyone has to leave that zone for the whole time (about 6 hours).

    about 8 months ago from web
  29. Oh boy I hope the Thai place doesn’t racially profile me again

    about 8 months ago from web
  30. Man I haven’t seen Beetlejuice since I was like 12 and back then the whole “Beetlejuice is a pedophile” aspect of the movie kind of flew over my head

    about 8 months ago from web