powersurge groups

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  • Movie Bronies filmbronies Movie Bronies

    Classic or new, obscure or mainstream, loved or loathed - a group for bronies to discuss movies.

  • TES Ponies tes TES Ponies Tamriel http://uesp.net/

    A group for everypony who loves The Elder Scrolls games! It doesn't matter if you're a veteran from the times of Arena and Daggerfall, one of the many who found themselves on Morrowind's mystical island of Vvardenfell, one of those who fell in love with the beautiful landscapes of Oblivion, or one of the few who have had the luck of trying one of the other games! Or perhaps you're just sweating in anticipation for Skyrim! In any case, this is your group!

  • Comic Book Ponies cbp Comic Book Ponies

    This is a group for ponies and bronies that enjoy comics and comic book related material like movies, games or shows. So join if you like Batman :D

  • Whovians whovians Whovians Worldwide

    The very large fanbase of the now 50 year old doctor

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    User ID
    Member since
    23 Nov 2013
    Daily average