John Elliott's home timeline


  1. Right time for me to shoot off and head to work, last night shift and then 2 days off HOORAH!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everypony. :D

    Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:51:46 UTC from web
  2. I would've said this earlier but due to good old work I didn't have the time to come on here and do so lol. XD But yes my new audio project called "Ultra Wave" will be up live tomorrow. :)

    Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:32:07 UTC from web
  3. Plus also one more thing and then I shall shoot off to work (YAY!!!! XD) lol, I did a pilot show of it as well so if you want to know what's going to happen on tomorrow's & future shows, then here's the download link to the pilot episode and I hope you all enjoy. ^_^

    Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:46:00 UTC from web
    • So if you want to tune in tomorrow just for some random lulz, then here's the link to the stream webpage :).

      Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:42:52 UTC from web
      • The show will be live at 7pm (GMT), i'll be starting the stream half an hour early for song requests so people/ponies can ask for there favourite tunes. :)

        Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:42:05 UTC from web
        • I'm assuming Twenty is a young age for a pony? Because otherwise, in the fic I'm reading, Derpy living with her father 'till he died when she was 22 would be a bit wierd. And at 14, Sparkler doesn't go to school anymore? Wierd.

          Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:30:45 UTC from web
        • It will also be focusing on as well the Sonic & Furry communities so there's plenty of stuff to talk about & plus there will be video game chat as well of course lol. XD

          Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:33:49 UTC from web
          • Oh yer also I should mention, i've got a new live audio project in the works and it's focusing on three main communities, one of them of course being the AWESOME Pony Community and the first live show is......TOMORROW!!!!! :D

            Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:30:55 UTC from web
            • So not a lot of things have going down this past week apart from work and also moving into my own apartment last Monday which is AWESOME!!!!! Got mostly everything sorted out around here but my Pony items are all up on display for visitors to see, so that's the main thing. :D

              Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:26:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              • Greetings everypony, and how are you all doing on this awesome Sunday? :D

                Sunday, 22-Jan-12 16:54:28 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              • Right time for me to head off and hit the hay been lurking more than I have been posting tonight lol, well nothing like good old Pony Tunes to listen to whilst sleeping yay. Night everypony. :D

                Monday, 02-Jan-12 23:27:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • @thatonepony @stumperman07 Same here i've still got my orginal Game Boy and i've still got Pokemon Blue and Track Meet with it, all the other games for it have disapeared never to be seen again.....or they might be in the atic lol. XD

                  Monday, 02-Jan-12 22:00:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • @abigpony Same here glad to hear your doing good. :)

                  Monday, 02-Jan-12 21:47:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • Right time for me to head off now so i'll speak to you all soon. Take care everypony. :)

                  Saturday, 24-Dec-11 19:27:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • I just wanted to say to you all before I head off, have a very Happy Hearths Warming Eve everypony, I hope you all have a really great and happy day tomorrow and I hope you all have a very Happy New Year as well. :D

                  Saturday, 24-Dec-11 19:20:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • @thesinistergreydragon412 Eeyep and I still am, I just recently got my permanent contract so now i'm a full member of the team and it is awesome, plus I got my own place now and i'll be moving out next month, so i'm now a lot closer to work and I don't have to drive like 45 minutes to and from work anymore lol. XD

                  Saturday, 24-Dec-11 19:17:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • Hellooooooooooo everypony, how are you all doing today? :D

                  Saturday, 24-Dec-11 18:55:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • Well that will all change once i've got everything sorted with mostly packing up all my things so i'm ready to move into my own apartment which is only a MONTH AWAY WOOP!!!!! :D

                  Saturday, 24-Dec-11 19:01:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  • Right time for me to get on and start cleaning my room YAY!!!!! Speak to you all later. :D

                    Friday, 04-Nov-11 17:12:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    • @tallbrony91 Hello there! Sorry for very slow reply, I am working on a meet at the moment with some others and so far plans are going well but all promo is good promo. Link follows:

                      Monday, 31-Oct-11 00:39:11 UTC from web
                      • @sharpy Hey man, that's fine no worries what so ever. :) I've signed up to the Southern England Bronies Blog and i'm really glad that it's all going full steam ahead, first meet is in London which is a really great place for the first meetup (i'm hoping there's a meetup in Portsmouth soon lol....or even Southampton seeing as i'm hopefully gonne be moving there soon lol XD). Really can't wait for the first meetup I feel it's gonna be sooooo AWESOME!!!! And if you need help with anything at all, i'll be glad to you a hoof. :)

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 16:52:52 UTC in context
                      • @tallbrony91 Hey, im glad to hear that :D Full steam is the word. Keep an eye on the blog we will be updating as we go along. We should have a date finalised by the end of today! Southampton will be on the cards im sure as its very close to me and a big city. So far projects are going well, entertainment ideas are really welcome, art will be good. Printing etc will also be needed soon.

                        Sunday, 06-Nov-11 16:28:56 UTC in context
                    • that is it,i give it up. See ya!

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 16:08:17 UTC from web
                    • okay ponies im back

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 15:01:08 UTC from web
                    • YO LONG TIME NO SEE PONIES, HOW YOU ALL DOING!!!!!! :D

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 15:54:16 UTC from web
                    • I am currently in fanboy CRAZY MODE at the moment, as !Sonic Generations is out now and i'm gonna be getting my copy of collectors edition hopefully tomorrow WOOP!!!! WOOP!!!! :D And to celebrate Generations and it's awesomeness, here are the Podcasts that i've been working on these couple of months which is a three part Sonic Generations series. So download away and listen in if you would like to and enjoy. (Classic Era): (Dreamcast Era): & (Modern Era): :D

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 16:01:07 UTC from web
                      • Right I think it is time for me to head off to bed now lol, busy day tomorrow YAY!!!!! Night all. :D

                        Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 02:49:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      • Just listening to this EPIC TUNE as well, heard this at work and I absolutely love it Alex S. is a LEGEND!!!!! Also PINKIE PIE IS BEST PONY!!!!! :D

                        Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 00:53:12 UTC from web
                      • PONIES, PONIES, PONIES, SWAG!!!!! I LOVE YOU SWAGBERG!!!!!! :D

                        Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 00:19:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      • Just listening to Super !Sonic Racing the theme from !Sonic R....why am i'm getting an idea for a Pony Parody song lol. XD

                        Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 00:28:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      • How are all my fellow bronies doing?

                        Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 00:17:37 UTC from web
                      • AWW YER PONY SWAG!!!!! Such a EPIC TUNE!!!!! :D

                        Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 00:18:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop