John Elliott's home timeline


  1. Finally work is now done and i've got a few days off HOORAY!!!!! Still got some stuff to do i.e. edit the !Sonic Generations Dreamcast Era Show, cleaning up my Music File and plus my room as well lol...oh and of course, head over to Toys "R" Us tomorrow and go and check out some !Sonic & Pony merch. :D

    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 23:47:29 UTC from StatusNet Desktop

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 23:17:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • @pinhooves Really hope stuff gets sorted soon. It should...

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 23:38:50 UTC from web
    • Right time for me to dash off......haha get it dash off, Rainbow Dash.......ok i'll go now. XD BYE EVERYPONY!!!!! :D

      Thursday, 13-Oct-11 16:15:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • Good day everypony, how are you all doing today? :)

      Thursday, 13-Oct-11 15:08:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • @greydragon412 Lol that's.....fair enough. XD

      Thursday, 13-Oct-11 16:13:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • So I went in to work and the first sergeant was like, "Hey, what're you doing here? You're leaving tomorrow, go pack yer papayas." He's the best...never gonna forget that guy. He's some of the best leadership I've seen, gonna miss him.

      Thursday, 13-Oct-11 15:51:10 UTC from web
    • Right time for me to get off and get myself ready for a night of fun yay. Speak to you all later. :D

      Thursday, 13-Oct-11 16:06:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      • WOOP!!!! Podcast is finally now up on MediaFire and shall be up on some sites very soon, so if any pony is also in the Sonic Community keep an eye on either or :D

        Thursday, 13-Oct-11 15:40:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        • We can agree on this one point: the concept of nachos is awesome and incredible.

          Thursday, 13-Oct-11 13:55:16 UTC from web
        • Hey everypony

          Thursday, 13-Oct-11 15:11:47 UTC from web
        • Right so after having a long day of editing, I think it's best for me to leave the Computer on but get ready to go to bed, so I shall say goodbye to you all now and I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the day. NIGHT EVERYPONY!!!!!! :D

          Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 23:57:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          • FIANLLY!!!! That had quite a bit of editing to do but it's all done now, and I think it's time now to turn this beast into an MP3. :D

            Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 23:38:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            • And I think it is......yep the Podcast is DONE!!!!! :D

              Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 23:37:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              • And back, Chinese was good but I really wish they didn't gave a great big portion of food lol. XD

                Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 18:46:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • Right time for dinner me thinks, Chinese tonight YAY!!!! Be back soon. :D

                  Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 17:20:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  • Just listening to the Podcast show that i'm editing, it sounds good but is it worng of me to laugh a bit at myself, when i'm having a mental break down on the show? XD

                    Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 16:49:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    • Ok going to eat lunch everypony! :3 I'll be thinking about you!

                      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 16:11:03 UTC from web
                    • @greydragon412 Just finsihed listening to it, all I can say dude is it's Eurobeat Brony at his finest. :D

                      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 16:34:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    • Afternoon everypony

                      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 16:12:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    • Hello my little ponies! ^^

                      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 15:46:55 UTC from web
                    • hello all i havent been here in forever

                      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 15:55:26 UTC from web
                    • Right back to Podcast work. :D

                      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 15:44:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      • And i'm back, nothing like a nice ham & egg sandvich and a bit of Steve Wilkos on the TV to keep me going and to face the day. :D

                        Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 15:43:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        • Right the main bit's for the Generations Classic Show Podcast is in, off to get some lunch and it shall be time to listen to this crazy madness, and see what bit's I need to go and tweak, be back soon. :D !Sonic

                          Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 13:59:54 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          • Right, I gotta get moving, but I'll see y'all later. Take care, everypony!

                            Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:47:04 UTC from web
                          • Also before I get stuck in with some editing lol, I so want this for my car. :D

                            Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:42:05 UTC from web
                            • @tallbrony91 Cool! Where'll they be posted?

                              Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:28:59 UTC from web
                            • But it's all cool and sorted now, downloaded the StatusNet Desktop yesterday, so now I can keep track with what's going on in this awesome place which is none other than The Rainbow Dash Network yay. :D

                              Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:24:37 UTC from StatusNet Desktop