Sierra Garske (sierraisabrony1992)

  1. @sierraisabrony1992 sorry, by SBN I meant # I direct-messaged you the password. If you need help figuring out the DM system just let me or anypony here know. I don't typically do phone texting.

    Monday, 27-May-13 06:31:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context Repeat of pony
  2. @sierraisabrony1992 shure, send me an email with your user name, since im on my phone

    Friday, 31-May-13 22:41:12 UTC from web in context Repeat of calvinthedestroyer
  3. Well here you go skype sierraluvanime1 YouTube narutoiscute346 cell 206 794 8241 @calvinthedestroyer

    Friday, 31-May-13 22:48:00 UTC from web in context
  4. it okay I understand. Here's my skype sierraluvanime1 and my email @jessi

    Monday, 27-May-13 04:38:09 UTC from web in context

    Monday, 27-May-13 03:43:54 UTC from web in context
  6. My Ponysona Sierra

    Monday, 27-May-13 03:37:49 UTC from web in context