Alister C Burns's home timeline


  1. !abqbronies hey guys... I'm in ABQ. Unfortunately, it's not for a good reason. I've been at the hospital waiting for my mother's recovery. I'm starting to feel lost because she won't get better. I'm feeling hopeless.

    Sunday, 27-Jan-13 01:59:45 UTC from web
  2. !abqbronies Hearts and Hooves Day on February 2nd!

    Sunday, 20-Jan-13 12:16:18 UTC from web
    • !abqbronies won't be able to attend any meet-ups, such as game night this week, or next until i get school under control again.

      Saturday, 19-Jan-13 04:42:34 UTC from web
      • !abqbronies I'm going to donate blood Saturday morning (7:45). Anyone interested in joining me?

        Tuesday, 15-Jan-13 05:19:58 UTC from web
        • !abqbronies I come from Farmington, though I'll be in Santa Fe in the coming months. Hope to finally meet some brines/pegasisters in the New Mexico area.

          Thursday, 10-Jan-13 05:37:32 UTC from web
        • !abqbronies hey abq bronies. I'm looking to move here within the next three months. Is it a good place to live?

          Friday, 04-Jan-13 17:04:42 UTC from web
        • @xxjasminefireshyxx !abqbronies Yeah, it's pretty great, yo. There's not much to do after 9, but it's pretty cool, otherwise. This is the post from our MONTHLY MEETUP! Thanks to all the people who showed up! Next month: Hearts and Hooves day! Ponies. Hope to see you all again!

          Saturday, 05-Jan-13 22:11:24 UTC from web
          • !abqbronies

            Friday, 04-Jan-13 17:03:56 UTC from web
            • !abqbronies okay my phone isnt working so im gonna ask this here. does anyone need a ride friday or saturday?

              Friday, 04-Jan-13 08:04:19 UTC from web
            • !abqbronies This Saturday, same bat-time, same bat-lecture hall. I'm bringing plates, cups, and cutlery!

              Thursday, 03-Jan-13 14:14:47 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies Ponies on the Big Screen at UNM this Saturday!

                Thursday, 03-Jan-13 11:11:46 UTC from web
                • !abqbronies Game night this friday!

                  Thursday, 03-Jan-13 11:10:26 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies is there a game night this friday?

                    Thursday, 27-Dec-12 17:37:52 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies Thanks for coming everypony! This was rather fantastic! I'll be posting the list of what peeps have signed up for bringing on the January 5th thingy thing thing. I hope you all are looking at this. I hope you're signing up for something because I love you guys! Yeah, you. YOU. YOU READING THIS RIGHT NOW. WHAT YOU SAY?!!

                      Saturday, 22-Dec-12 23:25:55 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies All the cool kids are doing it!

                        Saturday, 22-Dec-12 20:16:05 UTC from web
                        • !abqbronies won't be able to make this weeks game night.

                          Wednesday, 19-Dec-12 01:59:36 UTC from web
                          • !abqbronies Should have posted earlier but Game Night at 5 at Kaboom tomorrow. You know the drill!

                            Friday, 14-Dec-12 03:12:41 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies Guess it helps if I post the link, huh. DERP!

                              Sunday, 09-Dec-12 21:31:19 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies I think everyone needs to learn master chief's dance from this video. Also @thepoetzy will appreciate the battle toads reference.

                              Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:56:07 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies Hearth's Warming Eve Party at UNM

                              Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 10:44:12 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies Game night:

                              Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 10:43:16 UTC from web
                              • !abqbronies Hello all. new to the fandom and community

                                Saturday, 01-Dec-12 03:09:57 UTC from web
                              • !abqbronies , How does the 22nd of December sound for a Hearth's Warming... Day? party? I have the room at the Dominici center reserved from 1 to 4 pm. Friday is a no go, on my end, but the Saturday is good for me. Please let me know what you all think!

                                Friday, 30-Nov-12 05:15:19 UTC from web
                              • !abqbronies @erfunden what about like discords labyrinth. we could have like the elements of harmony and his weird balloon and apple creatures. we gotta keep that foot monster though.

                                Wednesday, 28-Nov-12 22:59:47 UTC from web
                                • !abqbronies Brainstorming objects for a ponified "A-MAZE-ing Labyrinth". Ideas?

                                  Saturday, 24-Nov-12 15:48:29 UTC from web
                                  • !abqbronies we're just wanting to see who, if anyone, is interested, and we could hammer out the details from there. So hands up! Who's interested in getting together on a server?

                                    Saturday, 24-Nov-12 10:01:03 UTC from web
                                  • !abqbronies, Alright, so a couple of us were thinking, since we've done some artemis gaming in the past, if anyone would be interested in doing a minecraft server or something? Right now we

                                    Saturday, 24-Nov-12 10:00:14 UTC from web
                                    • !abqbronies happy thanksgiving guys!

                                      Thursday, 22-Nov-12 15:17:57 UTC from web
                                    • !abqbronies Game Night!

                                      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 23:51:53 UTC from web
                                      • !abqbronies so, I can't make the RP today, good luck with the side quest.

                                        Saturday, 17-Nov-12 21:53:21 UTC from web