Caleb Boone's home timeline


  1. In yesterday's D&D session I used my lizard familiar, placed it on my druid character's head, activated the feature to look through the familiar's eyes, and thusly gained 30ft darkvision. A poor man's Goggles of Night.

    about 11 months ago from web
  2. I think this hotel is not for people like me, it’s next to a bunch of corporate headquarters and data centers, the lobby is a trendy bar where a bunch of tech guys are drinking top shelf liquor, and the TV knows my name.

    about 11 months ago from web
  3. Twitter is essentially dead for me. I used to lurk some creators on twitter but my open source twitter client choqok failed to fetch any new data for a week now.

    about 11 months ago from web
  4. New Futurama’s pretty funny. Billy West‘s voice ain’t what it used to be though. Fry sounds like he’s been in the future for 23 years or something.

    about 11 months ago from web
  5. Hello !

    about a year ago from web
  6. My D&D group started a new campaign and the starting level is 2. I managed to be at 0HP three times within the first two sessions. The first time was a mimic (a barrel), then a quickling, and then some goblinoids with slings.

    about a year ago from web
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    • @scribus It's a female lizardfolk grassland druid with the name "Chamilia Moonsicle". This type of druid is not a tank. With the natural armor and a wooden shield she has 16 AC. Not bad but still too squishy for my taste.
      The first down-to-zero-HP moment happened as she examined a weird barrel that happened to be a mimic-like animated creature. The next time it was a Quickling she managed to percieve (Quickling moved extremely fast) and followed a few steps out of the door, where she got stabbed 3 times with high damage rolls. Then she was hit to the head with a sling by a goblinoid savage (having little HP at the beginning of the battle didn't help either).
      I didn't play unreasonable and not without caution but it was more dumb luck than anything else.

      about a year ago in context
    • @adiwan Man, does dumb luck get stupid sometimes, though... lol

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus To be totally frank: I have a long history of having many dead characters and stupid moments initiated by my dumb decisions. This time, I swear, wasn't the case.

      about a year ago in context
  7. OK well Moho keeps basic, fundamental necessities like "manipulating bezier handles" behind their $400 edition so I think they can mango themselves just on principle alone

    about a year ago from web
  8. Anybody online who might maybe be able to talk me down from self-inflicted head trauma, please?

    about a year ago from web
  9. I tasted mead recently but it tasted more like acetone and couldn't stomach more than a few drops. But it's a "me"-problem. It was good and not spoiled. I just have a different taste. Even normal wine tastes like some kind of acetone to me. Grape juice itself is alright for me. I guess the fermentation products are causing the putrid smells and tastes that my nose and tongue cannot deal with. Also beer smells like wet and half-eaten bread with vinegar. Pure vodka also is very nasty as it creates a very strong burning sensation in the esophagus.
    Never gonna be drunk because of that alone.

    about a year ago from web
  10. Jesus. mangoing. Christ. I think I might have finally managed to get the bastard to import the already-created vector graphic for frame 1.

    about a year ago from web
  11. That is definitely something that should have taken two godrotten calendar days

    about a year ago from web
  12. @zeldatra Know anything about Cartoon Animator by Reallusion? Looking for something that isn't OpenToonz or a massive monthly subscription for mostly one-off, here-and-there kind of little things.

    about a year ago from web
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    • @zeldatra One major thing I've got is just a simple geometric pattern I want to have rotating externally and counter-rotating on the internal designs, which tbh I could probably write in like eight lines of COBOL or something equally outdated in concept, lol

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus Moho or Blender would be your best bets probably, with the latter you could just prep the images in Photoshop or something like that beforehand you could just import each element into Blender as a plane and just have the camera looking at them flat from above, with a sun lamp pointing straight down for uniform lighting.

      about a year ago in context
    • @zeldatra 2 days into the demo and I think I may end up saying that I hate moho as much as opentoonz and I could have just made 360 god damned individual batcaveing exports from CorelDRAW by now for apple's kiwiing sake

      about a year ago in context
  13. Since we’re doing sequels to old movies now where’s the Forrest Gump sequel where Forrest has to run from the FBI after loaning Mohammed Atta a box cutter?

    about a year ago from web
  14. Still, if you're better at this than me send code that works.

    about a year ago from web
  15. I’m questioning the wisdom of airing a COVID episode during the new Futurama season in much the same way somebody twenty years older than me probably wondered what the hell that Bush tax cut episode was about

    about a year ago from web
  16. Five more days to decide if I even want to live to see 40

    about a year ago from web
  17. I just took and passed a SafeMark food safety exam as part of promotion training because it was faster than taking the 8 hour online training course. Have now been made aware that passing the exam does not mark the 8 hour online training course as complete in the system, so now I’m studying for a test I won’t take because I already took it and passed.

    about a year ago from web
  18. A local elementary school recently paid someone who was very obviously a furry to draw their mascot and now a bunch of cars are driving around town with some guy’s fursona on their bumpers

    about a year ago from web
  19. I thought this site was dead for the last 6 months cause I kept getting this error. I tried different browsers and devices and same thing but today it finally worked. Anyone else have this issue?

    about a year ago from web
  20. Tldr Dad's life was a rails shooter, my life feels like a Sierra Online adventure

    about a year ago from web
  21. so like what should I post about on here? should I use it more like livejournal with long introspective effortposts about what’s going on in my life, or more like twitter and just spew off short little jokes and thoughts as they come? I feel like what excited me about having a place like this when I rediscovered it was being able to share my thoughts, feelings, and ideas without having to contribute to an already congested and overstimulating platform like twitter that vampirically feeds off your attention, but now I’m realizing I don’t know what I want to even say lmao.

    about a year ago from web
  22. Discovered an incorrectly programmed formula in my cigarette inventory book that causes the calculations to be off by anywhere from $100 to $300 every week. Looked through the other stores’ books and realized that the same error exists in almost all of them… which means that some of the other stores have been cooking the numbers because their final variances have been very small. Hmm.

    about a year ago from web
  23. Today was evidently the one-too-many'th time I had to listen to my coworkers spewing various LGBTQ-phobias. Though, I did rant and rave more about the fact that they were standing around gabbing than the fact that I don't need to hear the rest of the crew blaming everything wrong in the world today on people I deeply care about.

    about a year ago from web
  24. Might finally be time to go fully SSD

    about a year ago from web
  25. Just got recommended a TikTok titled “non-binary fashion”, and like, I’ve been drawing my nb character in a t-shirt and some jeans, am I doing it wrong??

    about a year ago from web
  26. I have a “I’m in another country and can’t make it to work on time” dream kind of a lot for some reason.

    about a year ago from web
  27. Futurama’s society has no conception of how, when, and where the moon landing occurred, but they have video of Rudy Giuliani putting a bunch of garbage on a barge and pushing it out to sea. What were the standards for the retention of information?

    about a year ago from web
  28. Overall it’s a fun time that I’d recommend as a co-op stealth game, but if you’re looking for something actually scary to play with your friend you might as well keep looking.

    about a year ago from web
  29. how was everyone’s weekend????? anyone do anything fun?

    about a year ago from web
  30. I'm close to buying a house: my current offer is at 225.000€ for a 88m² house with 4 rooms, 163 m² parcel. However I have to do a ton of work there to get it to a state that is up to current standards, like the electric switch box, the bathrooms, windows... The garden is also more a jungle than habitable. I hope I won't regret it.

    about a year ago from web