adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Wednesday, 15-May-24 20:02:56 UTC

  1. @scribus I waited years for the release of the sequel of my most favorite game, Simon The Sorcerer 2, which was Simon The Sorcerer 3D. When it eventually released it was a MESS. Everything that could be wrong was wrong, from the graphics, the controls, the performance, story, bugs at every corner... I was heartbroken when I was reading the reviews in the magazines. It took years until I was brave enough to face it, when I got the full version with the add-in CD from a PC gaming magazine. Even patched it was still a sewer system worth of kiwi. The 4th and 5th installment of Simon The Sorcerer were better but were soulless imitations of the first two.

    about a month ago from web in context