sporkthecat's home timeline


  1. I got roughly halfway through that meetup... or something. Wow did we ever fit a lot into a single weekend. !ohiobronies

    Friday, 02-Sep-11 08:22:40 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies The location for the Season Premiere Party has been decided. It will be at @Trombe, @rpb3000's, and my house in Springfield, OH. If you would like the address please email me at PinFilly@gmail.com

      Friday, 02-Sep-11 04:42:59 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies E̶d̶e̶n̶'̶s̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶.̶ ̶ ̶I̶f̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶L̶a̶ ̶Y̶o̶-̶Y̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶s̶a̶n̶d̶w̶i̶c̶h̶ ̶r̶e̶l̶i̶s̶h̶ ̶y̶a̶r̶d̶.̶

      Friday, 02-Sep-11 04:04:45 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies Look what you made me do! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aki3k648iNY Seriously though, thank you all. :D (I'm sorry I forgot names!)

      Friday, 02-Sep-11 01:30:41 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies WHAT SHOULD *OUT MASCOTS* NAME BE? VOTE HERE http://ohiobronies.blogspot.com

      Friday, 02-Sep-11 01:08:57 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies Thoughts on the banner sketch design? It will go on the top of our website. - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26022887/Ohio%20Brony%20Concept.png

      Thursday, 01-Sep-11 19:46:57 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies Hey! Please vote on what the mascots name should be. The poll is up on the blog - http://ohiobronies.blogspot.com/

      Friday, 02-Sep-11 00:58:54 UTC from web
      • !ohiobronies ATTN those who were at the Cleveland meetup! What was your one favorite part of the weekend / thing that happened?

        Thursday, 01-Sep-11 16:51:26 UTC from web
      • !ohiobronies Is the write-up gonna happen anytime soon? i kind of want to show off the pictures to my friends... I'm patient though, don't think I'm complaining.

        Thursday, 01-Sep-11 15:07:37 UTC from web
      • !ohiobronies Well, I've safely arrived back at my home up north, and while I didn't make it to the meetup, my experience at Cedar Point luckily turned out to be a fairly positive one. Perhaps, one day, I'll stop by again...

        Thursday, 01-Sep-11 05:59:32 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies Ok, so the name Peanut Butter was suggested for the Ohio Pony Mascot. What do you guys think of that? I think it works since her cutie mark is buckeye candies. - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26022887/Custom%20Ponies/OhioPony.png

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:55:06 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies Any thoughts on what the mascots name should be? - http://rainbowdash.net/conversation/101764#notice-454841

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 05:55:09 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies I updated the Mascot design, thoughts? - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26022887/Custom%20Ponies/OhioPony.png

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 03:20:21 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies I will bring a grill to wherever we have the party if we need to cook food. That will make kitchen mess much less drastic

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 00:14:56 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies has anyone thought about having a season 2 premier party? But perhaps someone more towards the Akron area (Where I be) I'd love to attend, I want to go to the cleveland one, but it was too far away :C

            Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 16:38:03 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies >mfw QWIMP is the RDN message. Uh, I guess the face looks like this or something: f=

            Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 14:13:20 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies : Quimp. That is all.

            Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 03:23:09 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies let's do lunch. I've got a few ideas as to where we could go.

            Monday, 29-Aug-11 18:14:25 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies Got skype finally, so if you guys need my id, gimmie a heads up.

            Monday, 29-Aug-11 19:22:34 UTC from web
            • It was really great seeing all of you again slash meeting all of you at the meetup this weekend! It was a truly excellent time. !ohiobronies

              Monday, 29-Aug-11 19:10:21 UTC from web
              • !ohiobronies I don't remember who was asking for it, but here's the link to the music archive project: http://oat.nu/dejf9

                Monday, 29-Aug-11 17:54:17 UTC from web
              • I feel like we broke reality a few times this weekend. Critical mass of Pinkie? !ohiobronies

                Monday, 29-Aug-11 16:29:45 UTC from web
              • !ohiobronies The meet was awesome. I love all of the Ohio Bronies that I have met so far. And I so can't wait for the next meet we have.

                Monday, 29-Aug-11 03:25:50 UTC from web
                • !ohiobronies Ohio bronies meetup was AWESOME :D We did... so, so many things.

                  Monday, 29-Aug-11 02:38:51 UTC from web
                • !ohiobronies And... I am back! I don't use this term lightly, but this was EPIC.

                  Monday, 29-Aug-11 00:29:30 UTC from web
                • Back from the !ohiobronies meetup. I feel pretty confident that those were the best 28-ish hours of my life. Thanks for organizing such an incredibly awesome experience.

                  Monday, 29-Aug-11 00:09:48 UTC from web
                  • Just returned from !ohiobronies meetup, my first meetup evar, and I couldn't be happier. I'm so gald i got to meet others who loved the same show as me. Can't wait for the next one. Also, I'll get those fics taken care of in 10 seconds flat, or perhaps an hour or so, those who care.

                    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 23:14:21 UTC from web
                    • Just got back from the !Ohiobronies meetup after 21 hours off campus. That. Was. Awesome. I'll wait for the official group writeup to tell the full story, but three things. 1. I'll send the pics I have in as soon as they transfer over. 2. So much Pinkie Pie... 3. A huge thanks to everypony that helped organize that. It's very much appreciated.

                      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 20:59:12 UTC from web
                      • Had an awesome time yesterday in Edgewater Park with the !ohiobronies! Did a writeup here: http://take-walker.livejournal.com/276013.html Sorry to anyone whose name I forgot! D:

                        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 18:18:59 UTC from web
                      • !ohiobronies Ugh. The half-day at Cedar Point didn't go so well. Losing my glasses on Top Thrill Dragster pretty much ruined the whole thing. Hopefully tomorrow will turn out better.

                        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 03:31:31 UTC from web