steveholt subscribers

These are the people who listen to steveholt's notices.

  • theironpony theironpony California, U.S.A.

    A French-major, nerd, photography student, and the iron pony. [Co-Organizer for the SoCal Bronies meetup site.] This account is also relatively inactive. I come back sometimes, but rarely to talk. I'll always remember this place fondly for all the great people I've met and as my first foray into the Brony fanbase.

  • Aaron vesperline Aaron Long Beach, CA

    Programming major, gamer, and professional wise guy. You can find me on XBL and Steam also under Vesperline.

  • Jeremy currykatsu Jeremy Arcadia, CA

    Hey There everypony! Nice to meet u! about me: I'm a SoCal brony, Alum of USC (Fight On!) and of the University of Central Florida, where I went for grad school. anime and cartoon fan, and indie game designer (like Dashie says, livin' the dream!). I'm a geek of all trades and enjoy hanging out and having fun. Nice to meet everypony! always in the mood to chat about ponies! currykatsu on AIM and steam currykatsu86 on gchat

  • Scribus scribus Scribus IE, CA

    The tragic aftermath of an accident between Greg Universe and Squanchy at the LHC. Narrator for the Sage And Savant steampunk adventure podcast. Largely dead inside, but getting better.

  • Max Veers maxveers Max Veers Los Angeles, CA

    Born, schooled, ponies.

  • Stephen Magnet beatlepony Stephen Magnet Pomona, CA

    I love taking long walks in Equestria in the summertime