Notices tagged with bristol

  1. Really, really interesting stuff here: "The City That Has Its Own Operating System" # # # # #

    Saturday, 20-Feb-16 20:01:36 UTC from
  2. This was the reason that # # server was taken

    Sunday, 07-Dec-14 17:06:36 UTC from in context
  3. The Times report in # !Indymedia depaywalled

    Sunday, 31-Aug-14 13:19:02 UTC from in context
  4. @mushi Pony meet in !Bristol

    Saturday, 22-Sep-12 20:55:43 UTC from web in context
  5. Okay, going to go and have a bath now, then probably head to bed. Heading to !Bristol for another brony meet with @cavatina tomorrow, which should be fun. Night <3

    Friday, 21-Sep-12 21:43:48 UTC from web
  6. @hoit21 @greydragon412 @mushi Hehe, thanks. I'm doing pretty good, just got back from !Bristol for the meet there. :3

    Saturday, 07-Jul-12 20:54:05 UTC from web in context
  7. To anypony going to the !bristol meet next week, me and @cavatina will be coming along.

    Thursday, 28-Jun-12 19:29:28 UTC from web
  8. @yodelerty Stephen Merchant is from !bristol :3

    Friday, 20-Jan-12 20:10:44 UTC from web in context
  9. @leonkfox you posted about organising a # meet. I'm there most weekends and would happily take part! I'll watch the !southwestbronies group for news

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:12:08 UTC from web in context