Notices tagged with bronyidol

  1. this eqd nightly roundup has the # info

    Saturday, 15-Jun-13 17:41:08 UTC from web
  2. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese @flamingpandaomg thanks! Hopefully this awesomness carries over to #

    Saturday, 15-Jun-13 05:05:28 UTC from web in context
  3. @nerthos sounds fancy! # #

    Tuesday, 11-Jun-13 04:08:48 UTC from web in context
  4. @flamingpandaomg @nerthos I really appreciate the support, guys! This will sound like shameless pandering but PLEEEEASE if you think I'm good enough, share that vid with friends (or show it to them directly, like in the proverbial stone age). Partly because I have poop for connections myself, and also because I want to generate hype for brony idol regardless of who wins. # # #

    Tuesday, 11-Jun-13 04:05:04 UTC from web in context