Notices tagged with calgary, page 5

  1. !calgary It looks like the Zoo trip is the exact same day as a big annual Reddit meetup, so I won't be able to go afterall (I had a zoo pass anyway so I wasn't on the list, but just letting y'all know)

    Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 04:05:38 UTC from web in context
  2. !calgary Sorry, one last thing. Those of you that are going, remember to bring sunscreen, water, an umbrella, lunch, and possibly a hat and pocket change (if you want to get stuff at the vendors or gift shops). The weather calls for rain.. but.. we live in Calgary. Prepare for anything.

    Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 22:01:11 UTC from web
  3. !calgary as for a date and time, we are going 10am on saturday 23ed, we will meet at the zoo c train enterance (downstairs) and will probably only wait a half hour to an hour (if people give us warning). I know Darcy does not like his number on here, so I will leave mine. 403 465 4884

    Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 21:55:36 UTC from web
  4. !calgary Tomorrow is the last day for people humming and hawing over going to the zoo. We -may- go till thursday if people give us warning, but otherwise the list (seen here: will be who we are expecting to pay entry for. Please PLEASE check the list if you are wanting to go and if you do not see your name there, TELL US.

    Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 21:53:14 UTC from web in context
  5. Despite the setback yesterday, the meetup wasnt too bad. Though I have decided on my own accord to step away form the group for a little while to sort out some personal issues. !calgary

    Sunday, 17-Jun-12 19:39:27 UTC from web in context
  6. I won't be at the meet-up today. Sorry guys :( !calgary

    Saturday, 16-Jun-12 20:38:06 UTC from web in context
  7. @puzzlemint !calgary I am well aware! :P But for artistis purposes, this one would have to be.

    Friday, 15-Jun-12 19:40:19 UTC from web in context
  8. @pseudoartiste !calgary Silly DL, Vinyl isn't a guy.

    Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:13:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  9. !calgary Anypony interested in working on a dance skit for next years Otafest? Is set to "Equestria Girls" and I ideally would like a (girl) Applejack, (girl)Rarity, (guy)Vinyl scratch. Any more would be awesome tho! :)

    Friday, 15-Jun-12 11:47:33 UTC from web in context
  10. !Calgary ill be there for zee zoo

    Thursday, 14-Jun-12 17:03:59 UTC from web
  11. Hey Calgary Bronies, I do intend to go to the zoo with you guys (those penguins are AMAZING), but I already got me a zoo pass so you don't need to worry about admission cost for me. !Calgary

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 22:42:50 UTC from web
  12. !Calgary !vgp so I got lollipop chainsaw. my girlfriend can't stop saying how twilight is so vulgar when she chops off a zombie head with her chainsaw. I think its a great game and reminds me of games like bayonetta or Afro samuri. still looking for pony references in hopes there is some.

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 19:47:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  13. @ikasamabrony @darcyblue !calgary I'm still in.

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 00:56:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  14. !calgary If you want to go to the zoo, you NEED to tell Darcy or leave a comment on the blog on one of the notices about said place. OTHERWISE YOU ARE NOT GETTING A TICKET AND YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR YOURSELF.

    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 21:01:16 UTC from web in context
  15. @aju1ceb0x !calgary we will be at the zoo trainstation.

    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 18:24:47 UTC from web in context
  16. !calgary @darcyblue at what entrance to the zoo are we meeting at?

    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 16:38:15 UTC from web in context
  17. !Calgary its 3:30 and i got my sponsored badge so much win

    Saturday, 09-Jun-12 09:33:12 UTC from web
  18. !Calgary. I think we should make a band. a kazoo band! we can play all the best bring musics and be famed for being so awesome.

    Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:12:40 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  19. @pseudoartiste !calgary you got a job at Michael's?

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 01:09:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  20. @pseudoartiste !calgary you got a job at Michael's?

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 00:12:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  21. !calgary Guess who got a job?!! It's been SO long, it feels weird to say. And, 25% off art supplies. BOOYAH!!! Hope you are all having an amazing summer. *HUGS!*

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:30:52 UTC from web in context
  22. @ikasamabrony !calgary im leaning more towards the saturday for going there. dont know why. I guess maybe then we can just call that our meetup.

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 03:40:58 UTC from web in context
  23. @ikasamabrony !calgary im ok with this

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 03:11:44 UTC from web in context
  24. !calgary What do you guys think about trying for the 23ed, 24th weekend..? Those that need days off can try to get that weekend off and we'll aim for the nicer of the two days? We just can't wait until July because most people seem to like their vacations and stuff.

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 03:04:35 UTC from web in context
  25. !Calgary super fun meetup!

    Sunday, 03-Jun-12 17:59:37 UTC from web
  26. !Calgary pizza, pop n cookies illest dinner for the illest stable in the mid west

    Saturday, 02-Jun-12 00:48:54 UTC from web
  27. @noir !Calgary I'm up for that one.

    Friday, 01-Jun-12 04:13:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  28. @darcyblue !calgary Boy, I wish @kraznor had asked that about 3-4 hours ago, before I left for the Sentry Box. Oh well, I got two Niv-Mizzets out of the deal, so I can't rightly complain.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 00:22:09 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  29. @kraznor !calgary otafest was considered our meetup night. so next week will be our next meetup

    Saturday, 26-May-12 22:43:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  30. !calgary Is there a meetup tonight or was the Otafest thing last weekend considered a meet and it isn't until next week?

    Saturday, 26-May-12 21:58:58 UTC from web in context