Notices tagged with demolitionman

  1. But seriously, was this "Huxley" thing a coincidence? I think not. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 07:02:23 UTC from web
  2. So, two .45 rounds can take down the walkway, but two full grown men don't? Seems legit. . . NOT! #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:59:19 UTC from web
  3. I always love it when security cameras reproduce what the movie cameras showed. Is there a TV Tropes name for that? It should be a trope. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:42:51 UTC from web in context
  4. 'Course, I bet Sandra Bullock would look good wearing damn near anything . . . OR NOTHING! ;-D #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:40:32 UTC from web
  5. You know, that weird future-60s bejeweled dress is . . . actually really cute on Sandra. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:36:57 UTC from web
  6. I never would have thought that Sandra Bullock & Sylvester Stallone as buddy-cops would have worked out, but . . . it almost does! # (I lie - it actually does) :P

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:33:29 UTC from web in context
  7. "Now all restaurants are Pizza Hut." Alright, someone kill me well before 2032. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:25:09 UTC from web
  8. Le plot, it thickens! Or, rather, begins to exist. At the halfway point. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:19:57 UTC from web
  9. "HALL OF VIOLENCE" in the Diablo font. Nice! #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:10:05 UTC from web in context
  10. I have see altogether too much naked Sylvester Stallone. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 06:02:08 UTC from web
  11. Hey, it's Otho! As in, I really think it's the character from Beetlejuice, not just the actor! #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:59:11 UTC from web
  12. What the hell keyboard layout do they use in The Future!? #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:51:21 UTC from web in context
  13. Last recorded 187 - 2010. Boy, you sure got that wrong! #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:45:23 UTC from web
  14. Paradise sure sounds . . . perfect, but I really just want to slap the crap out of The Future. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:41:10 UTC from web
  15. Why did they make the cryo chamber wide enough to fit eight dudes, but not tall enough for Stallone? #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:33:50 UTC from web
  16. I keep thinking, "What happened to Wesley Snipes?" And then I remember he's in prison for tax evasion. #

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:29:24 UTC from web
  17. I'm-a try to disguise the fact that I've never seen # by pretending that this is some kind of 20th anniversary viewing thing. And then, I'll blow it by announcing what I started this dash with.

    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:25:07 UTC from web