Notices tagged with kde, page 2

  1. Guckst Du: "Tapetenwechsel. openSUSE 13.2" (Link: # # #

    Friday, 20-Mar-15 16:45:28 UTC from
  2. So. Also, kein # für mich. Yast war sich sicher, stets schon nach dem Lokalisierungs-Screen abzubrechen. Okay, ich begrüße mich und euch durch die grünen Augen von # 13.2 stable. Installation verlief grunzeinfach und rund und trotzdem ich keine SSD verbaut habe, ziemlich schnell. Gerade aktualisiert Yast das erste Mal. Das wird sicher noch dauern ;-). So, dann also mal rumschauen in diesem #, von dem immer alle sprechen. Meine erste Susi seit *grübel*, Suse (noch ohne open) SUSE 4.2. Wann auch immer das war.

    Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 10:05:08 UTC from in context
  3. @donkrawallo Ich werd mit Suse nicht warm. Habs nicht gerade ein Dutzend mal probiert aber doch immer mal wieder und des is einfach nicht meins. Sabayon find ich sympathisch, aber Du hast da ein feines Wort eingeführt dafür: es ist manchmal hakelig. Nun muss ich halt auch immer wieder sagen: # ist nicht so ganz meins. Schon deshalb komme ich da vermutlich nie in die emotionale Phase, wo die heiße Liebe beginnen würde. Aaaber, Sabayon is Linux at its best, gerade was5das Offene angeht. Finde ich..

    Friday, 19-Dec-14 13:28:11 UTC from
  4. Ich muss ehrlich zugeben, dass Nepomuk aus # ein geiler scheiß ist :o

    Monday, 24-Nov-14 20:37:13 UTC from
  5. Ich bin seit ~ '98 bei Linux dabei. Damals war Gnome der Enlightenment WM ohne Dateimanager neben KDE, fvwm2 und WindowMaker noch der Renner. Als # allerdings anfing, immer mehr Richtung "Ultimate KlickiBunti" zu gehen bin ich rüber zu Gnome. Odin sei dank hat sich Gnome in der Zwischenzeit auch weiter entwickelt ^^

    Sunday, 02-Nov-14 14:05:56 UTC from
  6. @theru that's good. I used to switch between # and # depending on mood.

    Friday, 15-Aug-14 20:20:24 UTC from
  7. @theru @windigo sounds good. I need to think about alternatives now # is getting its first runtime dependency on # :-(

    Friday, 15-Aug-14 19:55:37 UTC from
  8. Okay, note to myself. Never touch repositories. Never touch programs. I just tried to install the # testing version of # and apt decided to fulfill it by not actually installing it but REMOVING PROBABLY TWO-THIRDS OF THE SYSTEM PACKAGES. Including Xorg, my ATI drivers and all of my DE stuff I think.

    Bloody hell. I don't know how I do it! Guess I'm reinstalling... Again. Maybe I should just document every single thing I do somewhere so that someone better can rescue me next time... HA! Like that will work, I have problems that nobody else has ever had before. I make huge system-killing mistakes out of doing normal stuff.

    Tuesday, 08-Apr-14 03:50:29 UTC from web in context
  9. Nearly finished converting my laptop from # # to # # Feels like coming home.

    Saturday, 29-Mar-14 19:04:29 UTC from
  10. I’ve been running KDE (#) on # for the past few weeks. This is my first time on KDE since I ditched Kubuntu 6.06. While everyone was busy debating Gnome shell, MATE and Cinnamon, # has evolved into the best desktop imo. What a pleasant surprise! It looks so complete and stable. I see no reason for switching to anything else in the near future. I am not surprised that they’ve won this last year! #

    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 03:29:45 UTC from
  11. @drak this contributes to my prejudice that both # and # not only look/feel similar to !windows,they also break as easily as windows

    Thursday, 12-Sep-13 09:23:52 UTC from
  12. "Kde Connect is a project aiming on integrating different devices with your # Desktop" <- but: I am using # :-)

    Monday, 02-Sep-13 09:00:34 UTC from
  13. It only gave me a choice of English. Long story short, I fixed it with # and # Works just fine for my dad, he doesn't miss Windows

    Tuesday, 14-May-13 21:38:29 UTC from at 52°30'0"N 5°45'0"E in context
  14. Interessant, der # - Launcher kann mit der integrierten Suche im Gegensatz zu # # - Abfragen durchführen. # !KDE

    Sunday, 05-May-13 22:45:48 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E
  15. ♻ @kdesysadmin: should now be back to normal, please let us know of any problems. #

    Saturday, 04-May-13 00:54:17 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E
  16. ♻ @kdesysadmin: down for a bit. #

    Friday, 03-May-13 22:23:25 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E in context
  17. @​zeldatra I swear thats captain anderson from mass effects voice actor invading a convention. Peter New in # 4.10, "the Most Advanced Linux Desktop" via @CarlaSchroder @​kdecommunity

    Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 16:28:42 UTC from free car loans
  18. !kde ♻ @micu: KLyDE — Lightweight # Desktop project # #

    Sunday, 14-Apr-13 17:17:55 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E
  19. # ist wirklich das beste Menu in der Computerwelt, dass mir jemals untergekommen ist. # !KDE

    Friday, 05-Apr-13 15:56:03 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E
  20. @rysiek well, as long as it's "in linux", you can disable Trash in # Plasma / Dolphin ;)

    Tuesday, 02-Apr-13 08:50:37 UTC from in context
  21. Testing # Does anyone know about any decent themeset for it?

    Wednesday, 27-Mar-13 00:36:37 UTC from at 9°55'59"N 84°10'59"W
  22. #KDE joins the Outreach Program for Women !fsfe #gnu #linux

    Monday, 25-Mar-13 12:13:19 UTC from at 53°28'51"N 2°14'14"W
  23. Eine Sache nervt mich an # gewaltig: Der Papierkorb. Große Dateien von USB lassen sich nicht einfach löschen, weil er voll ist. !KDE

    Friday, 08-Mar-13 14:45:31 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E
  24. @djotaku I didn't know this tip: yep, this's AWESOME! :) #

    Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 21:04:17 UTC from at 40°21'25"N 18°10'19"E in context
  25. Mit der erscheinenden Version 12.3 von # erwäge ich tatsächlich einen Wechsel. Der # - Focus gibt eventuell den Ausschlag. !KDE

    Monday, 04-Mar-13 13:00:15 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E
  26. Review: What's New in # 4.10, "the Most Advanced Linux Desktop" via @CarlaSchroder @kdecommunity

    Friday, 01-Mar-13 20:22:24 UTC from at 37°46'29"N 122°25'9"W
  27. It's only piracy if you can't afford a lawyer ♻ @gabrielsaldana RT @orvtech: # is pirating # artwork

    Thursday, 21-Feb-13 17:46:52 UTC from at 50°49'59"N 4°0'0"E
  28. Hmm... So, how do we feel about this, # ? Does # get away with this? ( via @jriddell )

    Thursday, 21-Feb-13 11:24:48 UTC from at 50°58'0"N 1°21'0"W
  29. Hmm... So, how do we feel about this, # ? Does # get away with this?

    Thursday, 21-Feb-13 11:24:18 UTC from at 50°58'0"N 1°21'0"W
  30. Замечу, что # под # в # работает отлично, никаких глюков с импортом картинок, в отличие от Debian, где кивали на кеды.

    Thursday, 14-Feb-13 16:54:07 UTC from