Notices tagged with q

  1. # "They were men that had not learned the art of submission, nor had they been trained to the art of war. But our astonishing success taught the enemies of liberty that undisciplined freemen are superior to veteran slaves."

    Friday, 13-Mar-20 21:08:31 UTC from in context
  2. "The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of wine grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do." # #

    Sunday, 25-Aug-19 01:03:14 UTC from at 30°21'41"S 153°6'9"E Repeated by rozzin
  3. "The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of wine grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do." # #

    Sunday, 25-Aug-19 01:03:14 UTC from at 30°21'41"S 153°6'9"E
  4. # «It’s basically like having all of the letters in the English alphabet, but getting rid of random ones. Like, “Let’s take out ‘B’ because ‘B’ kind of offends me.”» #

    Thursday, 27-Jun-19 18:27:34 UTC from in context
  5. # «“Meh, it’s a cup of coffee,” he said after his first sip. Fifteen minutes later, he said, “I’m kinda high right now.”» !coffee

    Tuesday, 20-Nov-18 10:34:49 UTC from in context
  6. # «The product has not received support from Mars, Inc who said "deep-frying one of our products would go against our commitment to promoting healthy, active lifestyles."»

    Monday, 05-Nov-18 00:38:47 UTC from
  7. "It’s our job to form a government if we possibly can…" # Boris Johnson

    Thursday, 22-Jun-17 12:34:10 UTC from
  8. "[T]he view that the value of money is regulated by the value of the substance of which it is made […] is like confusing a theatre ticket with the performance." # # #

    Friday, 16-Jun-17 10:54:47 UTC from
  9. "I think we're all going to have to get used to the idea that essentially #… You know those inflatable giant wavy guys that you see…?" # Rich Hall

    Sunday, 11-Jun-17 13:27:14 UTC from
  10. "If you'd asked me two years ago which of my friends was likely to become leader of the Labour party, Jeremy would have come about 20th. Somewhere after Tim Brooke-Taylor." # Jeremy Hardy

    Saturday, 03-Jun-17 10:55:24 UTC from
  11. "When the # emerged from his private meeting with #, he was smiling in a relieved, almost charming way – like a man who had just left the dentist’s chair" # Robert #

    Thursday, 25-May-17 10:00:09 UTC from
  12. @strypey "I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me." # Winston Churchill - Mind you, I never touch marijuana. I was born hungry and slightly paranoid, so it's completely redundant.

    Tuesday, 16-May-17 05:28:20 UTC from in context
  13. "There was an Irish athlete who went to the doctor. She said 'I'm really worried that I'm growing a Potato Knishes 'cos of the steroids.' And the doctor said 'Anabolic?' She said 'No, just a banana.'" # Jeremy Hardy

    Sunday, 07-May-17 12:02:45 UTC from
  14. "I look back on all the taboos that I was taught, that everybody was taught, and I see now that they were parts of a great swindle. Their purpose was to make Americans afraid to get close to one another—to organize." # Kurt Vonnegut

    Thursday, 04-May-17 10:59:15 UTC from in context
  15. "At the very core of my American education was a dread of any gesture which might be interpreted by the football coach as being even vaguely homosexual." # Kurt Vonnegut

    Thursday, 04-May-17 10:56:22 UTC from in context
  16. "Anyone can create money; the problem lies in getting it accepted." # Hyman Minsky

    Wednesday, 29-Mar-17 10:24:26 UTC from in context
  17. @strypey "… credit and credit alone is money." # A. Mitchell Innes

    Wednesday, 29-Mar-17 09:39:21 UTC from in context
  18. "We should try and make people more interesting than phones." # Charlie Brooker

    Saturday, 04-Mar-17 08:36:26 UTC from
  19. @strypey "Cars for everyone was one of the stupidest promises that politicians ever made." # George Monbiot

    Friday, 10-Feb-17 05:54:37 UTC from in context
  20. @tregeagle "There must be discipline in the allocation of resources or you will have anarchistic chaos and inefficiency. And one of the functions of old fashioned religion was to scare people […] into behaving in a way that the long-run civilized life requires." # Paul Samuelson

    Thursday, 09-Feb-17 10:34:36 UTC from
  21. # "sees things that aren't there, like 2 million people at his inauguration. […] He has an imaginary friend called Many People Are Saying" # Andy Hamilton

    Wednesday, 08-Feb-17 12:46:52 UTC from
  22. "Let me introduce you to my old friend and colleague, the British druid Valueaddetax!" # Asterix and the Goths #

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 10:52:45 UTC from
  23. "There’s no getting round it. Call it Nazi, Fascist, racist, vicious, illiberal, immoral, cruel. More dangerously, what Trump has done is a wicked precedent. If you can stop them coming, you can chuck them out." # Robert #

    Sunday, 29-Jan-17 12:59:32 UTC from in context Repeated by mcscx
  24. "There’s no getting round it. Call it Nazi, Fascist, racist, vicious, illiberal, immoral, cruel. More dangerously, what Trump has done is a wicked precedent. If you can stop them coming, you can chuck them out." # Robert #

    Sunday, 29-Jan-17 12:59:32 UTC from in context
  25. "If I want a sound, I usually feel better if I've chased it and killed it, skinned it and cooked it. Most things you can get with a button nowadays." # Tom Waits 1985

    Friday, 27-Jan-17 12:51:34 UTC from
  26. "I arrived in this country […] in a maternity hospital in Hampshire. Couldn't speak a word of English. I never paid in. I got a roof over my head. I got child benefit. It's not right, I'm telling you." # Jeremy Hardy

    Monday, 09-Jan-17 10:54:57 UTC from
  27. Feeling the seasonal mood slump between the official anniversaries of the birth of Yeshua the Nazarene & yours truly (we're often compared; both terribly slack about checking our messages): "I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth…" # Hamlet & Withnail

    Monday, 09-Jan-17 09:03:01 UTC from
  28. "There is no ideological reason both Lib Dems and Blairities should not fold into the Tories." # Craig Murray

    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 07:27:27 UTC from
  29. "In the course of my life I've had sixteen death threats, but never by an atheist." # Bishop John Shelby Spong

    Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 11:26:54 UTC from
  30. "When I was a child […] nobody ever told me that Jesus was a Jew. When I saw a picture of Jesus he didn't look like a Jew. I thought he was a Swede." # Bishop John Shelby Spong on religious tribalism

    Thursday, 29-Dec-16 09:33:53 UTC from