Notices tagged with renpy

  1. I should learn how to write !renpy "if" commands

    Sunday, 21-Jul-13 19:32:03 UTC from web
  2. Here's a thought... after !rdn is finished, I /could/ post the script, plus character sprites and stuff, to Google Docs and you guys could just download !renpy and apples around with it.

    Sunday, 14-Jul-13 19:32:29 UTC from web in context
  3. Hahaaaaa, I can insert music into !renpy!

    Saturday, 13-Jul-13 19:05:55 UTC from web
  4. @ceruleanspark Sure puts my !renpy skills to shame. :U

    Tuesday, 09-Jul-13 18:11:14 UTC from web in context
  5. @mastertid # or (252, 15, 192), whichever format # takes. :P

    Monday, 08-Jul-13 15:26:14 UTC from IdentiCurse in context
  6. I'm very, VERY close to having the know-how to create a full, completed !renpy game screenshot! Once I work out the best way to scale down images~

    Sunday, 07-Jul-13 18:53:33 UTC from web
  7. !renpy I swear to God

    Saturday, 06-Jul-13 20:04:31 UTC from web
  8. Apparently I can only alter !renpy game options /before/ I alter the script? Unless I'm missing something here.

    Saturday, 06-Jul-13 19:59:00 UTC from web
  9. Ughhh, God damn you, !renpy. God damn you to heck.

    Saturday, 06-Jul-13 19:55:39 UTC from web
  10. I can't define characters in !renpy as "as" because "as" makes the program think it's a different command. :I

    Saturday, 06-Jul-13 19:41:59 UTC from web in context
  11. !renpy really needs to be more specific when it gives me an error

    Saturday, 06-Jul-13 18:11:35 UTC from web in context
  12. Let's see if I can add a time/date function to !renpy

    Monday, 01-Jul-13 19:28:02 UTC from web
  13. Very pleased with the amount of !renpy progress I've made today.

    Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 22:51:22 UTC from web
  14. I wonder if I could use the !renpy input feature to have cheat codes.

    Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:56:43 UTC from web in context
  15. If I can get the random answer generation working for !renpy, I feel like I can make the game a bit more fun

    Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 18:31:10 UTC from web in context
  16. I've managed to create a somewhat long, working script in !renpy! I remembered the colons! Woop woop de woo.

    Tuesday, 25-Jun-13 20:31:06 UTC from web
  17. !renpy Note to self: add menus /first/ instead of spending 20 minutes trying to fix indentations.

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 21:55:07 UTC from web in context
  18. YES. Another !renpy issue solved!

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 21:28:03 UTC from web