Notices tagged with s4ep13

  1. @mushi It probably won't be your favorite since you dislike the romance ones. Googly eyes abound in this episode, but I think you're still wise to give it a shot. After EqG it hopefully won't be too bad. It's very close-ended after all imo. # #

    Sunday, 09-Feb-14 13:48:17 UTC from web in context
  2. @mushi I don't know how the voice acting will interpret in in your version of the episode, but there was a funny part that we enjoyed. Also, I'm a sucker for Spike/Rarity, and they have a couple non-romantic moments that are still cute and show how much Spike cares about Rarity and how clueless Rarity is about him.. kinda odd considering she stopped his confession once. # #

    Sunday, 09-Feb-14 13:43:03 UTC from web in context
  3. @mushi I thought maybe that was why you'd avoid it. The love triangle ends definitively by the end of the episode I'd say. Some might argue Rarity carries on crushing on the guest character, but to me it seems like she learns a lesson and moves on. The guest character, on the other hoof, gets turned down flat by AJ. # #

    Sunday, 09-Feb-14 13:33:02 UTC from web in context
  4. @mushi Hmm. What was it in the spoilers you saw that you disliked about the episode? I can't think of anything noteworthy in the episode other than Rarity's character development and the strengthening of her relationship with AJ. # #

    Sunday, 09-Feb-14 13:26:35 UTC from web in context
  5. Apple Jewel was cute. # #

    Sunday, 09-Feb-14 02:23:38 UTC from web