Notices tagged with troll, page 2

  1. @colfax very well, I shall never talk about !modfight again #

    Friday, 28-Oct-11 16:59:06 UTC from web in context
  2. Trotz anfänglicher Enge und Sitzplatzchaos war der gestrige Stammtisch der !eqaustrians ein voller Erfolg! Es war schön euch alle (wieder) zu treffen und ganz besonderen Dank an Zwielicht Funkel und seine Überraschung - und seinem Megatroll ^^' # # # #

    Saturday, 08-Oct-11 11:25:33 UTC from web
  3. @purpletinker Then I humbly request that you please get in touch with your good friend @jimbo, and ask if he could kindly not tarnish his good reputation by continuing to act like a complete #

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:21:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  4. @jojo # (As if it wasn't obvious to everyone by now.) Do not feed.

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 05:39:37 UTC from web in context
  5. @fontana *giggles* he's such a good #

    Friday, 22-Jul-11 21:00:26 UTC from
  6. Now he is attempting to # me about the Identiverse.

    Thursday, 30-Jun-11 15:15:13 UTC from
  7. @administrator # :P

    Monday, 23-May-11 02:06:34 UTC from web