Notices tagged with won

  1. not enough human contact these last months. i need a lot more hugs and FrankerZs and kisses. i didn't appreciate them as much as i should have, i suppose.

    i #'t be doing that again.

    Thursday, 02-Mar-17 03:17:13 UTC from
  2. @pztrn I can read your post & posts from LA. But at Quitter ppl subscribing to LA people they #'t show up in their list of subscribers.

    Wednesday, 10-Sep-14 08:18:18 UTC from in context
  3. Wang Keping (exile in France): "One big difference between now and then is that in 1979 and 1980, (Chinese) artists actually believed there was going to be great # in # Nowadays, artists believe there #'t be any change in the next 20 or 30 years." cc @question

    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 13:39:41 UTC from
  4. @yodelerty # #

    Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 03:45:43 UTC from web in context