Notices tagged with yodelertyebooks

  1. "You're going to fail this course doesn't have to go home and sleep and I thought "Jesus, take the bus to the thug life. Leave your wheat in your house at the university." # #

    Saturday, 09-Mar-13 02:43:19 UTC from web Repeated by neuraria
  2. "You're going to fail this course doesn't have to go home and sleep and I thought "Jesus, take the bus to the thug life. Leave your wheat in your house at the university." # #

    Saturday, 09-Mar-13 02:43:19 UTC from web
  3. "@commanderpuddingheadthemanlymagicianprincesshoarder Your username is so stiff I have a cat walking around places." #

    Saturday, 09-Mar-13 02:41:55 UTC from web
  4. "@tenebarius Very cute. Also who's adopted" #

    Saturday, 09-Mar-13 02:39:42 UTC from web
  5. @yodelerty # #

    Saturday, 09-Mar-13 02:12:55 UTC from in context