Notices by InsanityPie (thepinkshadow), page 3

  1. I just realized that LoE is doing the open server now, I am so getting into that awesomeness! although im pretty sure i did not spell that right...

    Saturday, 25-Jan-14 23:16:38 UTC from web
  2. @mrmattimation That is a VERY good motto to work with, i have been playing pokemon for years you wouldn't believe how many times i traded a pokemon i didn't want to get rid of and realize i couldn't catch one in my version of the game.

    Saturday, 25-Jan-14 23:00:42 UTC from web in context
  3. @flamingpandaomg Im not that big of a collector, im more of a copetition breeder, all pokemon i breed will have at least 3 maxed IVs. so i don't really keep many legendaries. I did breed a shiny froakie but it didn't have protean so i didn't train it.

    Saturday, 25-Jan-14 22:54:39 UTC from web in context
  4. @randomwonderbolt I caught mewtwo with a poke ball, then put it on the gts. what would i of needed it for?

    Saturday, 25-Jan-14 22:51:41 UTC from web in context
  5. just poping in before bed, if anyone here plays pokemon x or y and needs a ralts or two with 4/5IVs and modest nature I can give a couple up, I have HUNDREDS from trying to breed a perfect shiny. figured might as well put up the offer before i have to wonder trade/release them.

    Thursday, 16-Jan-14 06:25:44 UTC from web
  6. @clayinthecarpet not sure about hawkings but albert einstien wasn't able to tie his shoes and as the generalization of the basis on insanity is the 'difference from the norm' in terms of mental capacities or capabilities. also I got to get to bed so be seeing everyone soon.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 05:02:42 UTC from web in context
  7. @clayinthecarpet hey as you know ALL geniuses ARE insane in some way, shape, or form.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:58:16 UTC from web in context
  8. @clayinthecarpet m favorites are pinkie and twilight.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:54:52 UTC from web in context
  9. @hayseed if you can call being batcrap insane a personallity but it's for that reason that we all love pinkie and everyone knows it. applejack is a little too honest for her own good, rarity is an over dramatic canterlot wannabe(as proven at the gala), twilight is to put it bluntly the nerd of the group, fluttershy is 'even if we wish it wasn't true' the canon fodder(seriouslly, why doe's the bad things happen to her?), rainbow dash is the loyal but dense and about 20% cooler then the rest.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:54:28 UTC from web in context
  10. @clayinthecarpet i'll watch it later.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:44:32 UTC from web in context
  11. @hayseed best pony is best pony for the pony that is the best at being best pony. yeah I don't get it either.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:44:04 UTC from web in context
  12. @hayseed nice to meet you.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:41:17 UTC from web in context
  13. @clayinthecarpet ill do that, i have seen "Bronie's react to teens react to mlp" that was so worth it!

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:39:55 UTC from web in context
  14. @hayseed eenope! afraid I havn't the slightest clue who you are. im new here and have only started posting today due to massive confusion on where the post thingy was.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:38:02 UTC from web in context
  15. @clayinthecarpet I have also seen them all, I personally like three and one the best but two just seemed dull to me. what i like to do is watch the reactions of youtuber bronies to see how they react to some of the refrences in those. there have been some VER amusing reactions.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:35:18 UTC from web in context
  16. @hayseed darn, I guess i walked into that one.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:32:41 UTC from web in context
  17. @clayinthecarpet I know the ragequit part very well but I have a sort of ocd that once i start something i have to finish it all the way through. also I wasn't implying you read clop, just stating a point. by the way have you heard of the outube video "ponies the anthology"?

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:31:28 UTC from web in context
  18. @hayseed how do we know your not possesing your keyboard?

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:26:39 UTC from web in context
  19. @clayinthecarpet oh and it was another suggestion that had me reading "sweet apple massicure" and frankly was the reason i don't do clopers.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:25:10 UTC from web in context
  20. @clayinthecarpet I know what you mean, last time I took a suggestion i wound up reading "Pages of Harmony". I won't lie and say it was bad or an thing but even I had a little trouble with that one. I don't remember who suggested it to me but I will NEVER read a suggestion with out proper research first ever again.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:23:04 UTC from web in context
  21. @awlderpy so true, so true.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:18:23 UTC from web in context
  22. @clayinthecarpet you perfer slice of life right? I've been keeping up with a fic called "Celestias tiny student" it's essentially a tiny twilight story and the trials of growing up at that size.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:17:37 UTC from web in context
  23. @awlderpy So we as humans think goop taste good? I feel like we took a wrong turn in taste bud evolution.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:15:21 UTC from web in context
  24. @awlderpy But then what does chicken taste like?

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:12:45 UTC from web in context
  25. @clayinthecarpet I like to believe where all a bit out there mentally, and i haven't heard of that one yet so im going to read that later. the last one to make me think what was that? was "A dream come true?" it was normal to an extent then WAM WTF just happened!

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:11:25 UTC from web in context
  26. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual Sun turning red=celestia has gas.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:07:56 UTC from web in context
  27. @mushi What will they think of next!

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:06:07 UTC from web in context
  28. @clayinthecarpet I can see why, I just like horror stories but I know not everyone does for obvious reasons. I have read a few ships and to many slice of lifes to count. mainly i stick to comedy lately since they have some good ones that by the time our done reading, your like story+mind=blown.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:04:41 UTC from web in context
  29. @clayinthecarpet I personally like grimdark, but if the fic is well written and has a good stor line and immersion then im going to read it no matter the type. only ones i wont read are clopers. im also curious about what the next episode in season 4 is going to be about. I just watched episode 9 yesterday online since i missed it on the hub.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 03:58:44 UTC from web in context
  30. @clayinthecarpet I like to read fanfictions on and once in a while EqD. Really im still fairlly new to the fandom and I have probally read every grimdark fanfic on the site.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 03:52:36 UTC from web in context