Tristan's home timeline


  1. Also, as a reminder to all of you !midlandsbronies out there - the Christmas Meetup is on Saturday the 17th of December in Birmingham. Be there or be... Not there.

    Thursday, 10-Nov-11 23:30:02 UTC from web
  2. !midlands Birmingham sounds fun, but I'll have to give this one a miss. Just too far to travel. :(

    Sunday, 13-Nov-11 23:52:25 UTC from web
  3. @bronymike hey i'm a newpony to this website, i live in vic. do you guys have get togethers at all? : D

    Sunday, 13-Nov-11 09:34:54 UTC from web
  4. !midlandsbronies I'm sorry I cannot make it to the Christmas Meetup in Birmingham. On December 17th I'll be with my orchestra, playing the Christmas Family Concert (see Unless all you ponies decide to have two Meetups in Sheffield this year ;-)

    Saturday, 12-Nov-11 12:07:48 UTC from web
  5. !midlands "Yorkshire is now in the Midlands." I fully support this statement, as it means that more meetups will be within range for me! In other news: I think my closet bronyness just went flying out the window! AJ is not pictured, I didn't notice at the time! D:

    Thursday, 10-Nov-11 14:44:30 UTC from web
  6. !midlands Congratulations guys we are on the nighty Roundup! We should post some more pictures up if we can if more people are interested.

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 14:14:19 UTC from web
    • !midlands We're probably going to be getting a little bit more traffic here since the roundup. Have we got any more photos to post?

      Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 14:05:14 UTC from web
      • !midlands Yes, roundup it is! That's the second time I've been on there! :D

        Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 12:42:48 UTC from web
        • !midlands and there we are, on the Nightly Roundup!

          Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 09:14:30 UTC from web
        • Hey guys! Hope the Sheffield thing went well, pretty annoyed that I couldn't make it, but oh well, never mind. Any plans for another (hopefully nearer) one anytime soon?

          Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:47:56 UTC from web
          • !midlands Can do, I guess. I've had an email conversation with him before actually. Goodness knows how he finds the time!

            Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 08:34:18 UTC from web
            • !midlands Any plans to inform EqD of the meetup?

              Monday, 07-Nov-11 17:14:19 UTC from web
            • !midlands And as promised during last Saturday's meet-up: the link of my newest PMV. I uploaded it last night. So, enjoy btw, I also saw the French versions of 'Winter Wrap Up' and 'At the Gala'. I love those, especially Twilight's French singing voice. But then again, I might be a bit biased :-)

              Monday, 07-Nov-11 13:24:07 UTC from web
              • My legs still ache from the most intense game of lasertag ever. Ow.

                Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:04:10 UTC from web
              • @purplephish 20 @pawnheart !midlands Hmm, nopony told anypony to sit on the concrete thingie. But well, maybe I should have been a bit more proactive in my directions: could have directed all of us to Weston Park. Bigger and better than... well.... Unfortunately for all of us me not being so convincing, guess that's the Fluttershy-part of my character :)

                Sunday, 06-Nov-11 13:39:08 UTC from web
                • !midlands Yeah... we spent an awful lot of time gathered around that urine-soaked piece of concrete in the park... Like a northern '2001: A Space Odyssey'.

                  Sunday, 06-Nov-11 11:29:51 UTC from web
                • !midlands What is a visit to Sheffield without seeing a fight? Well.... Should I be ashamed to say that's the city I live in? Anyway, it is true that Sheffield is quite the green city, but that's because part of it stretches out towards the Peak District. The meetup was wonderful, have to go to more meetups. And do some studying in between for the quiz. Or some training for laser quest? Nah, I'd rather remain a pacifist :-) Thanks all for showing up. For those interested here's the URL to my first PMV 'Twilight's Kosmos':

                  Sunday, 06-Nov-11 01:06:03 UTC from web
                  • The funniest part of today's meetup, to EVERYPONY who was not there, was when we where walking along, and we saw a group of people... All wearing fursuit... Yes that's right, the furries AND the Bronies were occupying Sheffield today, and 2 of them (wearing fursuits) began to beat the cherries out of each other, blood was drawn on the one dressed as a tiger, I could see... Don't know what happened, but my immediate vocal response was "meanwhile, at furrfinity" !midlands

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 22:49:33 UTC from web
                  • !midlands Big thank you to everyone who came out today! I had a really nice time, and I hope everypony else enjoyed themselves too!

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:12:47 UTC from web
                    • - repeated this.
                  • To everyone that went to the !midlandsbronies meet up in Shefield today, I hope you all had a great day! Wish I could have been there.

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:12:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • !midlands did you know, that with an estimated 2.5 million trees in the area, Sheffield has the highest ratio of trees to people in europe! (not sure If true, or just wikipedia talking crap again)

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:07:33 UTC from web
                  • !midlands Today was a good day, for ponies! (bonus points for guessing the reference) Here are the pics from my camera:

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 22:39:59 UTC from web
                  • !midlandsbronies Today was amazing, was really glad to be a part of it. Hope everyone else enjoyed it too.

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 21:45:09 UTC from web
                  • Hey guys!!! Back after avoiding RDN like the plague due to possible spoilers, watched the episode... No spoilers but it's AWESOME. One of the best so far IMO, the meetup today was epic! !midlands drenched in sweat after the lasering, and my god... REAL REAL REAL ale is a damn site more fancy shmancy and stronger than guiness!!

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 21:11:45 UTC from web
                  • Hey guys, hope you enjoyed Sheffield, wish I could've made it.

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 18:17:13 UTC from web
                    • !midlands

                      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 07:43:36 UTC from web
                      • Right guys imma go sleep! !midlands I'll see YOU in the morning, we shall have fun! 11:30 the "wall of water" :)

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 23:58:13 UTC from web
                        • !midlands See you all tommorow! @pawnheart I'm bringing my 12mp camera along for pics and stuff. Hopefully we should be on EQD!

                          Friday, 04-Nov-11 23:05:41 UTC from web
                        • !midlands Hay guys! Just wondering... anypony got a decent camera for tomorrow? I'm afraid I don't even have on on my phone! Anyhoo, looking forward to seeing you all!

                          Friday, 04-Nov-11 22:42:48 UTC from web
                        • !midlands Thanks for the contact numbers. I'll be at the station somewhere around 11.15 for the only reason I am rather half an hour early than a minute to late. Now off preparing for tomorrow: where did I leave my clipboard? :-D

                          Friday, 04-Nov-11 21:21:04 UTC from web