Tristan's home timeline


  1. !midlandsbronies Hay there! Hope you're looking forward to tomorrow! The contact numbers for @rotation and myself can be found in a text file @ The password is the second half of twilight's name (all lower case).

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 16:40:53 UTC from web
  2. !midlands @rotation Am I correct in assuming that we still don't have blindbags in the UK? If so, how much are they? I've always wanted a # (RD) and a # (FS) but I've never found them anywhere.

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 12:16:03 UTC from web
  3. @klayking the guy said that the laser tag'll be done at 4.30, so that shouldn't be a problem...

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 22:32:52 UTC from web
  4. !midlands @purplephish20 Hell yea!

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 22:36:21 UTC from web

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 22:22:55 UTC from web
    • !midlands @purplephish20 Hopefully the bookings are flexible, so if extra people turn up it's not a major hastle fitting a few extra people in. On an unrelated subject, what time can I expect this meetup to be ending? I'd ideally be wanting to set off on my long journey home at about 5:30, but I wouldn't want to miss out on all of the fun!

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:38:05 UTC from web
    • !midlands @pawnheart I hope I'm one of the confirmed. I'm not sure if I made it clear enough earlier. D:

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:10:42 UTC from web
    • !midlands Was anybody of you on a Stagecoach 52 bus in Sheffield last Tuesday evening? Couldn't help overhearing a MLP conversation. Cheeky as I was I joined in. Something I never do, but was just too surprised to let this opportunity pass :-)

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:10:01 UTC from web
    • !Midlands Booked. Meeting at the station at half 11, then moving over to a nearby restaurant at half 12... time for eating, quizzing, wandering and whatnot... and then laser tag at 3.30. Look forward to seeing you all!

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 13:40:01 UTC from web
    • !Midlands Already said I will be there this Saturday. See you all there!

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 13:25:46 UTC from web
    • !Midlands Okay ponies, last chance for anypony fancying the meetup on saturday, I'm booking in about 10 minutes.

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 13:17:19 UTC from web
      • !bronylon Your Princess wills this meet up to happen!

        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 02:36:50 UTC from web
      • !midlandsbronies Hey, just want to confirm I am coming Saturday, though it didn't go down well when I told my friends 'I'm meeting a bunch of guys off the internet.'

        Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 20:57:51 UTC from web
        • !midlands Reminder: If you're wanting to come along to the Sheffield meet on Saturday, and haven't done so already, please confirm by tomorrow. Ta muchly!

          Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:54:24 UTC from web
          • I went on a # today. For a change, It was actually successful. !midlands second prize woowoo!

            Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:20:37 UTC from web
          • !midlands for a number of reasons, I will not be attending the meetup on the 5th. Train ticket prices, distance etc. And as well as that I am in urgent need of turning my focus to my school work. I will hopefully come to the Birmingham meetup in December though. Have fun on Saturday everyone!

            Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 13:54:04 UTC from web
          • !midlands Hi, is it not too late for me to tag along for the Sheffield meetup, by any chance? I have the means of getting there, but now I must weave a complex web of lies so I can be here without people knowing why. You know how it is...

            Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 15:52:18 UTC from web
          • if we go pruning groups, i want to delete a mangoeston.

            Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 23:40:12 UTC from web
          • Sorry, I just have no idea how to post on a group. I think I failed.

            Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 15:49:20 UTC from web
          • !midlands See you all on the 5th.

            Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 12:43:06 UTC from web
            • !midlands Is it too lake to say that Me and Shaun are coming again?

              Monday, 31-Oct-11 23:30:41 UTC from web
              • Also !giraffes.

                Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:30:03 UTC from web
                • !midlandsbronies Hey just thought id say i shall be attending. Not sure I will be able to get there for 11:30 but ill see.

                  Sunday, 30-Oct-11 19:01:03 UTC from web
                  • !midlandsbronies Hi everyone, just saw the meet up notice on EQD and was surprised that there were bronies around sheffield, was starting to think I was alone out here.

                    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 12:24:02 UTC from web
                  • !midlandsbronies Darn, I'm 20 minutes away from sheffeild but I'm gonna be in london on the 5th.

                    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 11:43:53 UTC from web
                    • Woh! !midlands meetup made the nightly roundup on EQD!

                      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 11:27:47 UTC from web
                    • So, there's a Birmingham meet up in December eh? Hearing this from @pawnheart pleases me, makes up for not being able to go to the upcoming Sheffield one :) !midlandsbronies

                      Saturday, 29-Oct-11 20:37:58 UTC from web
                    • !midlandsbronies Looks like I won't be able to go, friend wants to come over here to buy a general Wrestlemania ticket with me. Really bummed out about this, I had such a blast at the last one :(

                      Friday, 28-Oct-11 22:17:14 UTC from web
                    • !midlands updates !midlands updates... lets finish our holiday cheer!

                      Saturday, 29-Oct-11 11:49:35 UTC from web
                    • @rotation !midlands yes I should be coming, I just need to think what to tell my family I'll be doing, I think... I'm having a day in meadowhall on my own as (insert reason here for going alone)

                      Friday, 28-Oct-11 18:51:57 UTC from web