Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia of Equestria
These are the dictations of your Princess.
More details...Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia of Equestria (celestia)
@metaltao It has been a long time coming. I look forward to reuniting with those friends whom I've not spoken to, and meeting all the new inhabitants here. Thank you for your kind words.
@metaltao Thank you kind sir.
Hello All! It's been awhile.
I will take my leave. I only wish to pass on warm tidings in these shortened days of light. Do not fear, for we are always looking over you. Be it sun, or moon, let the light of friendship shine down on you all. Pass on tidings to your fellow ponies. Sincerely, Princess Celestia of Equestria.
@anarchycarcino @scribus @eaglehooves @bigfun97 Thank you. Indeed. Unfortunately my duties as princess of this fair land keep me from interacting with ponies such as yourself on a regular basis. I decided to rectify this situation by attending this forum for a minute before I must rest.
Good evening my little ponies.
Good Morning My Little Ponies.
@tenmihara I think a lot of the newer bronies (those acquired after the end of season 1) don't know about RDN, I only knew of it because it was one of the few places actually about pony.
@tenmihara Start small, we could post on EqD, they post all meet up advertisements .. we just need a date, time, location, and plan first.
@tenmihara You can reach the outskirts in 15, 20 downtown, 25 across town.
@tenmihara I'm from Woodstock, but I work in London.
@tenmihara I really want this to happen, I was thinking of setting up some sort of free site.
!bronylon Your Princess wills this meet up to happen!
Alas, I am late for the Royal Feast, I shall return later. Farewell for now my little ponies, enjoy this beautiful fall day :)
@flaxx You are forgiven young one :)
@metal It is a new generation, and with ponies of every age embracing technology, so must I.
Monday, 17-Oct-11 19:36:34 UTC from web -
@jinny *gracisouly nods* @remembernovember I have them groomed daily, light shampoo is they key.
@flaxx I have always been here my little pony, I have just been on a tour of Equestria for the past few months.
@remembernovember You may ... but do not pull on them .. actually last time someone pulled on them was around 1000 years ago .. I believe it was Luna @madflavors Thank you!
@remembernovember It takes forever to get them like this, it's why I don't use them unless I must.
Your princess has returned!
It has been a while since I have come down from my palace in Canterlot, and it will be much longer till I stay. Good Evening My little Ponies #trollestia
hello, my little ponies
@flaxx It is ok, not many know of the true story behind it. The colt's-notes version would be I sent my sister to the moon to moon to tell me how cold it was, and she said "Cel, get get off your sissy a** and find out yourself! Now let me come home." And that's how the word came about.
@flaxx Celsius. Did you know they named that after me?
@flaxx At this time it is currently 39 degrees here in the royal vacation home in Ontario, Canada. I was expecting to go sledding, as all god enjoy a good sled, .. but someone gravely misinformed me about this Canada.
@flaxx Yes, I'm here to make sure no one is melting in the heat wave.
@thelastgherkin Hullo!
@greydragon412 Good Morning!