Rainier, WA
https://www.facebook.com/I am interested in Minecraft, MLP:FiM, and every Steam game there is.
More details...Tyler Suter (twistedspectre)
and bad timing, I have to go, see yall later!!
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 01:39:15 UTC from web -
@mushi out of the three CMC, she is my favorate
@scoot probibly eating food
@scoot well, fer me it is, normaly there is like 5-10 people on
@scoot wow, this is a first
@mushi am i not seeing any chat because I cant or nobody is on?
how is everyone?
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 01:33:26 UTC from web -
helo friends
Ok, see yall later, pals!!!! I need to do a life
@northernnarwhal *Noooo!!! Internet!!!! Why you attack meeeeeeee!! All I gave you was love!!!
@vt3c lel, one track mind
@northernnarwhal Maybee the moon, but.... internets..
@vt3c *Slaps you in the head* "There are better, more classy women out there!!"
@northernnarwhal *Gives internet a hug, accidentally sees that darker side* "This is why we cant be together, my love, you have corrupted society."
@vt3c I live like 3 miles from my home school, and like 30 from my EC school
@vt3c *17 and no licenc or permit, has a friend who drives him every day to and from school*
@northernnarwhal Yes
@vt3c Yeah, I wish I could drive
@vt3c I accualy have friends, but I socialize with them typicaly with a computer, weather it be thru the computer, or we game together at their house.
@northernnarwhal *Has to google what you just said* Aww, that is kinda like me
@northernnarwhal Hehe, I socialize at my computer. *hugs computer*
@clayinthecarpet Well, anone who is not willing to get over somebodys oddness is not worth it
@northernnarwhal My School's spring break is staggered to the extra-curricular school NewMarket that I also go to, and I am going to go on a trip with my grandparrents to see collaged durring that time.
@northernnarwhal Well, I spent a lot of it stressing over how I will pan the next couple of weeks
@northernnarwhal Lel lel lel lel lel lel ??? I am boared
@northernnarwhal Lel?
@northernnarwhal Me too, The sun is out finaly, and it is warm
@northernnarwhal How are you today??
Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 03:48:53 UTC from web