xx3picbr0nyxx groups

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  • Rainbow Dash Fans rainbowdash Rainbow Dash Fans

    Rainbow Dash fans, UNITE! She makes everything 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat.

  • Rarity Fan Club rarity Rarity Fan Club http://www.rainbowdash.net/group/rarity

    Join here darlings, for a fabulous time.

  • Techno-electro-dubstep-whatever Ponies technoponies Techno-electro-dubstep-whatever Ponies

    A group for ponies who like such types of music, especially those awesome 8-bit remixes by http://www.rainbowdash.net/rainbowcrash88

  • United Ponies ponyunited United Ponies Ponyville, Equestria http://rainbowdash.net/group/ponyunited

    We welcome every pony! We don't care, where are you from, just join every pony! BRONIES ARE ALLOWED, TOO!!!

  • Loyal Subjects of Princess Twilight Sparkle princesstwilight Loyal Subjects of Princess Twilight Sparkle rainbowdash.net http://www.rainbowdash.net

    All loyal subjects must know these rules! 1. Hug Princess Twilight Sparkle instead of bowing. 2. Whenever you visit Princess Twilight Sparkle odds are she may be drinking muffin tea and eating tea-flavoured muffins, and she /will/ offer you some. 3. Princess Twilight Sparkle will banish name stealers! 4. Princess Twilight Sparkle has very faithful subjects. 5. The princess loves muffins, cupcakes, pie, and cake. 6. The princess LOVES HUGS. 7.Everypony has to eat AT LEAST one muffin a day.