clayinthecarpet's home timeline


  1. I really, really wish I could just never have to drive again

    about 7 months ago from web
  2. this site needs to get about 20% cooler

    about 8 months ago from web
  3. Silksong Never

    about 8 months ago from web
  4. I love when Dan Harmon says something mean about Trump and people start bringing up that time he humped a baby doll in a Channel 101 sketch ten years ago.

    Friday, 14-Aug-20 23:55:20 UTC from web
  5. The plan was to finish it and then sit on it until the announcement so that I could release it that night.

    Tuesday, 11-Aug-20 22:36:13 UTC from web
  6. “We will win at least a few states, some of them perhaps by decent margins!” -President Trump

    Friday, 07-Aug-20 21:19:53 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation 50% of white people, per Newsweek, :eyeroll:

      Saturday, 08-Aug-20 04:58:00 UTC in context
    • @scribus eh, that's not exactly uncommon for a Republican, if anything it's a little low. McCain had 55% of whites in 2008, and he lost the election by a bigger margin than any candidate of the 21st century. No Democrat has carried the white vote since at least 1964, and maybe even before that, the data only goes back to 1976.

      Saturday, 08-Aug-20 07:37:12 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation Yeah, but I'm not really concerned about the historicity of the GOP, though. This jackass may be lower than other old white jackasses have been, but when 50% can agree, even in a straw poll, with (vague sweeping arm gesture)? It's more the revelations about the national psyche than it is old stats and current prognostications. I just grew up inherently skeptical of The System, but still -- I used to be able to believe in People, as a whole. This administration has shattered my faith in anything other than entropy. I always kind of knew I was "Brown eyes watching from a White perspective," but the other white faces used to only sometimes let their hatred show. Now, they seem to be hiding even their former pretense of humanity in favor of letting their hate flag take full mast. And... damn, man. Just... damn. I want it over. And I'm almost ashamed of what I'd be willing to do to End it, capital-E.

      Saturday, 08-Aug-20 14:53:02 UTC in context
  7. And I feel bad, sometimes, because I say "religious nuts." I don't mean to say all religious folk are off in any way. I mean specifically to refer to the subset of religious people who take it to a nutty degree.

    Saturday, 01-Aug-20 22:50:51 UTC from web
  8. the president’s new “serious” leadership style lasted literally 24 hours, I’m dead

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-20 22:34:13 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation I think I missed the entire thing

      Thursday, 23-Jul-20 22:06:57 UTC in context
    • @scribus he gave a very “somber and serious” press conference where he refrained from blasting the media, and he stayed off of Twitter for about 48 hours where all he did was retweet campaign and White House statements and, in one instance, encourage the Senate to pass a bill that the leaders of both parties already publicly endorsed. His next press conference was, of course, a total appleshow. I imagine his new campaign manager was behind the changes and I imagine he’ll be fired very soon.

      Friday, 24-Jul-20 03:07:30 UTC in context
  9. there was an old person fight today and we had to call the police, and I’ve only been at work for half an hour

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-20 20:29:08 UTC from web
  10. I need a pack of non-filter cigarettes for a video shoot (no, seriously) and nobody in this damn hippy town sells them. >:C

    Tuesday, 21-Jul-20 19:14:58 UTC from web
  11. Hell, I coulda called this one three years ago Ol' Swampy Don says he refuses to say if he'll accept the election results in November.

    Sunday, 19-Jul-20 19:12:41 UTC from web
    • @scribus This stuff is why I hope Biden’s lead remains as it is or grows. If he wins with a vote share that’s closer to Bush 2004 than Obama 2008, Trump will litigate every close state and throw us into a Supreme Court headache even worse than Bush v. Gore.

      Sunday, 19-Jul-20 19:39:40 UTC in context
  12. great now i gotta figure out what all of the in-between background buildings house. beyond the grocery store and the liquor store the only other business i knew for sure would be in the plaza were a Five Guys parody (not pictured, across the street) and an Irish pub which serves as the setting for an unfortunately large amount of the show.

    Thursday, 16-Jul-20 06:44:50 UTC from web
  13. The latest Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode has dropped the balls.

    Friday, 10-Jul-20 17:04:50 UTC from web
  14. *not actually for real this time, he hasn’t filed any of the paperwork and he’s straight-up too late to get onto the ballot in some states.

    Monday, 06-Jul-20 01:54:20 UTC from web
  15. was about to joke about how like 50% of Always Sunny will get thanos'd but i googled it and how are netflix only removing a single episode lmaoo

    Monday, 29-Jun-20 23:18:47 UTC from web
  16. I know that they're pulling an episode of Community for implied blackface, and without even reading into it I know the exact scene they're talking about and I sincerely do not believe that a single person with any stake in societal progression watched that scene and thought it was actually a problem

    Monday, 29-Jun-20 10:45:08 UTC from web
    • @tiff Similarly, I’m pretty sure pulling an episode of Golden Girls is not especially high on BlackLivesMatters’ priority list.

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 19:25:25 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation I dunno how far exactly I'd go to defend these sorts of jokes but pretty much every example I can think of is pretty obviously a subversive criticism *of* blackface. Obviously I am not the person who can/should decide if that makes it more okay, but I feel like removing these scenes is stifling discussions of anti-racism if anything. Like just put the disclaimer in front like WB and Disney or whatever

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 23:17:39 UTC in context
  17. in the mood to chase someone off the site again, quick someone say something headass

    Sunday, 28-Jun-20 23:13:09 UTC from web
    • @tiff apu wasn’t really that big of a problem

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 00:25:44 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation I would prefer it for future reference if POC actors got to voice POC characters, especially in the current industry where they aren't getting the same treatment or opportunities as white people; but I absolutely agree that this current wave of networks removing TV episodes with instances of racism and actors conveniently regretting voicing POC roles all of a sudden is largely posturing in the absence of actual willingness to, you know, hire and support and pay POC. I also don't think it's a particularly far reach to suggest that companies are just pretending this is what activists are asking for as some sort of psyop, since it will most likely push the needle back in their favour (i.e. still not hiring, supporting and paying POC)

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 10:42:30 UTC in context
  18. I gotta say, blocking would-be constituents is a really great way to keep losing elections.

    Sunday, 28-Jun-20 01:20:38 UTC from web
  19. Ok just puked, drunkenness is officially overrated

    Saturday, 20-Jun-20 08:15:44 UTC from web
  20. Keep thinking about how papayaed the animation industry would be if this Covid thing happened in the 80s or 90s or even in the early 2000s.

    Wednesday, 17-Jun-20 00:50:59 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation I bet Disney would have been pitching the isolated campus model

      Wednesday, 17-Jun-20 03:47:52 UTC in context
    • @scribus There is PRECEDENT for something like that, bits of I think The Lion King and Pocahontas were animated remotely after an earthquake temporarily shut down Disney’s Glendale campus, but there’s no way it would be able to be coordinated on a large scale long term basis pre-digital era. Al Jean said that he encouraged staff at the Simpsons’ relatively new in-house animation studio to work from home well before California’s stay-at-home orders and work wasn’t slowed in the slightest in spite of that. Could not have happened twenty years ago.

      Wednesday, 17-Jun-20 03:53:19 UTC in context
  21. Good news, I didn’t have to lock the doors. Not sure what that would have done anyway, the doors are all glass.

    Sunday, 14-Jun-20 22:38:16 UTC from web
  22. there’s a protest happening in front of my store tomorrow, and I support that, but if anybody starts looting I’m going to go apepapaya

    Saturday, 13-Jun-20 20:45:23 UTC from web
  23. Every now and then the guy who tried to molest me when I was in middle school comes into my store. Awkwaaaaaard.

    Saturday, 06-Jun-20 21:46:04 UTC from web
  24. And I feel like the asshole for sitting here and watching them, after first shouting, then yelling, then cursing, then fuming, then apologizing, but I swear to god I have tried to grow something for years with setback after bullbanana failure and right now these goddamned gourds are about the only thing I have going for me in my life and I swear if anything happens to them I will jump in the pool wearing ankle weights

    Saturday, 30-May-20 15:24:13 UTC from web
  25. So do I cut the scene in The Twin Souls 5 where civilians start looting or nah

    Saturday, 30-May-20 22:42:19 UTC from web
  26. mangoing FINALLY, Twitter.

    Wednesday, 27-May-20 08:28:51 UTC from web
  27. More "Tuca and Bertie," yatta~

    Sunday, 24-May-20 02:38:38 UTC from web
  28. Two dozen people (including many children) fired up the grill and partied in plain sight of my window this afternoon. Because of those idiots we have all to suffer.

    Sunday, 17-May-20 20:35:16 UTC from web
  29. Why are we not calling this year dickety-dickety?

    Friday, 08-May-20 18:31:12 UTC from web
  30. Does Papa Spraytan not realize that the "Liberate" halfwits who are going to get themselves and their families killed following his quarterwit advice are the same braindead followers who he needs to stuff the ballot box in November?

    Wednesday, 06-May-20 03:23:56 UTC from web
    • @scribus his campaign is a papayaing disaster so far. he planned to make up for inevitable lost ground in the midwest (specificially MI, WI, PA) by instead somehow winning Virginia and Colorado, without actually changing anything about the way he governs or campaigns to facilitate the six-point flip he would need for that. even as someone who hates the guy and wants him out as soon as possible, it's actually frustrating to watch him run a campaign so bad that Joe grapein Biden is winning Arizona and North Carolina

      Wednesday, 06-May-20 07:34:14 UTC in context