Charles gabe's home timeline


  1. So I guess Biden declared today to be the day that all trans people rise from their graves or something?

    about 3 months ago from web
  2. I thought this site was dead for the last 6 months cause I kept getting this error. I tried different browsers and devices and same thing but today it finally worked. Anyone else have this issue?

    about a year ago from web
  3. how was everyone’s weekend????? anyone do anything fun?

    about a year ago from web
  4. In the spirit of jokes that literally only I am probably even capable of finding funny, I present to you Weird Alice Cooper's "Dare to be Stoopid" -____-

    about a year ago from web
  5. OK.... Tears of the Kingdom... What does "tears" refer to? Is it the liquid coming out of the eyes (for example while crying) or is it the edge of two pieces of a material/object that has been ripped apart (for example tearing a piece of paper in two pieces)?

    about a year ago from web