Gregory Montano's home timeline


  1. This film is excellent. !portalponi

    Monday, 19-Sep-11 00:21:14 UTC from web
    • !SoCal and !LAbronies - Still working on an LA County Fair meet, slated for Sunday, September 25th. Any interested parties, reply to this or e-mail me: scribuscaballus(at)yahoo(dot)com

      Friday, 16-Sep-11 23:01:39 UTC from web
      • I just want to check - we've got the !socalbronies, the !californians, the !labronies and the !calbronies - am I missing any groups?

        Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 01:04:42 UTC from web
        • !socalbronies !labronies Prepare yourselves, everypony. If you had any plans for October 29th, you don't anymore. SoCals FIRST BIG BRONY MEETUP is going live! Tell your friends, tell your family, hell, tell that creepy drunk hobo you pass on your way to work everyday, this is some serious business. Save the date! October 29th, 2011 1:00pm! More info at: Join the meetup group there, too! Got any questions or suggestions? Sign up for an account and post in the comment box!

          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:27:45 UTC from web
          • a new meet up it was only posted on eqd though !labronies !socalbronies

            Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 01:57:25 UTC from web
          • !socal !labronies what do you guys think about stained glass pony-themed panels?

            Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 00:49:37 UTC from web
            • !SoCal and especially !LAbronies into !Nerdcore - MC Frontalot will be at the Viper Room in Los Angeles this Thursday.

              Monday, 05-Sep-11 00:00:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !labronies !socalbronies Hey guys! @steveholt and I are in the works of planning SoCals first big brony meetup! We're in the very early stages right now and we'd like to have this thing going by mid-October or Halloween. Right now we are looking for a good place to host it, but! I'll be posting updates on here, as well as Flankbook and on the meetup page! (which you should all totally join) Stay tuned!

                Monday, 05-Sep-11 00:00:04 UTC from web
              • Are people out of school yet? Anyway, I'll try this again... !SoCal and !LAbronies - Anyone interested in hitting up the Los Angeles Fair? I'm sure one could find a deep fried muffin there. I'm thinking of the 25th, it's a Sunday, plenty of notice, neither opening nor closing weekend.

                Friday, 02-Sep-11 22:08:54 UTC from web
              • !SoCal and !LAbronies - Anyone interested in hitting up the Los Angeles Fair? I'm sure one could find a deep fried muffin there.

                Friday, 02-Sep-11 15:11:07 UTC from web
              • @appleseed I asked my Dad and he said that Elk Grove,CA where @angel live is about 8 Miles away from # # WOW that's close :D

                Thursday, 01-Sep-11 04:11:09 UTC from web
              • !Labronies !socalbronies Hey everypony thanks to everyone that contacted me. im gonna keep posting because people often think a project is dead just because its gone quiet and as i said this will take awile

                Friday, 26-Aug-11 04:31:23 UTC from web
                • Today in Intro to Theatre, I wore my morphsuit, did puppet theatre using My Little Pony toys, homework was moved to next week, and I got dismissed 30 minutes early. College sucks.

                  Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:06:08 UTC from web
                • is there a southern California brony group?

                  Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 18:18:08 UTC from web
                • @greydragon412 Hi-larious. !portalponi

                  Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 15:08:23 UTC from web
                • !socalbronies !labronies does anypony go to CSUF~?

                  Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 06:06:13 UTC from web
                  • How's it going everypony?

                    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 04:20:07 UTC from web
                    • !Labronies !socalbronies hey everypony ive been working up the courage to go to places in person and ask for a spot it took me awile to think of how to phrase this to make it look good for the other people. so on that topic if anyone knows of a space which could fit us please tell me we have a even better chance if the place dosent usually rent out there space.

                      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 03:09:37 UTC from web
                      • @carcino !Labronies !socalbronies What a coincidence , I'm actually go on thursday (one day after you darn lol). Gonna ride Space Mountain till I day of happiness.

                        Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 08:33:44 UTC from web
                      • I have more cool shirts than there are days of the week D: #

                        Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 07:06:51 UTC from web
                      • !labronies !socalbronies would any bronies be willing to run a table on paper craft or customs

                        Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 05:31:44 UTC from web
                      • !labronies !socalbronies OK everybody im starting my hunt for space im currently contacting the parks and recreation centers along with that i have another location that is willing to let us use the space unfortunatly there a theater space so having all those chairs around might make it difficult to you know have a meetup. if anyone has any other ideas please tell me

                        Monday, 22-Aug-11 03:17:21 UTC from web
                        • !labronies !socalbronies If you can come please send me an email at . Who should email well just about anyone willing to attend the meet. If you simply wish to participate please send an email with your general location ( we wont stalk you) weather or not you are able to carpool, and your preferred dates. If you would like to help us with anything from games to location to prizes to organization even if you just own equipment such as a laptop with the episodes in 1080p saved , speakers , projector, even if you just own a projector screen please tell us. If you are an artist of any kind ( anything you could bring to the meet) please tell us this is not for donations ( although that would be nice) this would be to see if an sales would be a possible event. Thank you to anyone who would be willing to help lets show are LA pride and gather together the largest meet in California.

                          Monday, 22-Aug-11 00:33:09 UTC from web
                        • !labronies !socalbronies Hey everybody just got back from the meat great times as always but we talked about something interesting. why dose socal not have a big meetup like other places. I know we have enough bronies to do this but it seems we have to many small quick meetups. well me and a few other bronies are going to be scheduling a larger meetup. where LA. When currently the holiday season is a prime time but we dont want to interfere with Christmas or newyear so we are still willing to change but at the very least it will have a 2 mouth announcement time. Many of you from Oc may complain about it being to far well not only will this be a big meet we will be setting up a carpool list. im gonna get one more message up explaining the eccentricity of this event.

                          Monday, 22-Aug-11 00:25:24 UTC from web
                        • !labronies !socalbronies Hope y'all are havin' fun at LACMA!

                          Sunday, 21-Aug-11 22:00:34 UTC from web
                          • !socalbronies !labronies Have fun tomorrow those of you going to the Burton exhibit!

                            Sunday, 21-Aug-11 06:18:31 UTC from web
                            • @angel oh remonrade, hello

                              Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 05:00:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
                            • @mrn4rmn4rm @domcolt How are you ponies?

                              Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 04:53:53 UTC from web
                            • Eh, well I'm gonna get off for now. See you all later`

                              Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 07:47:30 UTC from web
                            • It's very quiet tonight.

                              Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 07:39:54 UTC from web