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  • Video Game Ponies! videogameponies Video Game Ponies!

    A group for all the ponies who enjoy playing video games! From FPS to RPG to RTS!

  • Bronies in and around Vancouver, Canada vancouverbronies Bronies in and around Vancouver, Canada Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Group for bronies who live in the Vancouver/lower mainland area of BC. Bronies from all over BC and near the border are all welcome!

  • Fans of Cupcakes pinkiepiecupcakes Fans of Cupcakes Pinkie Pie's Basement

    For all of the ponies who love Cupcakes as much as me. And now there's a comic!

  • BronyTV btv BronyTV the internet

    We are a MLP: FIM streaming site we have many things for you to watch including some non pony stuff, like our game night or movie nights. but join us every Friday at 3pm Pacific standard time to join our Mare-athon.