~Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
http://bronychat.chatango.com/Bronychat admin, musician, songwriter, novelist. Likes ponies.
More details...Apple Butter (applebutter)
Moving day is moving day. -_-
@nutterguy there's another pony twitter?
@onixus Isn't it Celestia who tells the pegasus ponies what to do?
@onixus >pony gods >celestia
@sleepingautumn I'll pass. I don't liek coffee.
I've already shared this with the ponies in the chat room I started (unaffiliated with this site so admin doesn't have to remind everypony), but I feel like I should put it here. http://i.imgur.com/nLXpN.jpg
@twilight Juay so lurk?
@sleepingautumn Normally I'm not on this time of day.
@sleepingautumn hai
>forgot to open RDnet for a few weeks >one reply
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 13:10:43 UTC from web -
@creepist Happy birthday!
@squeegy That was how I felt about a month ago. Decided to do it since I was bored. :)
Changed my facebook profile pic to a pony pic.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 19:42:49 UTC from web -
@rainbowdashismycopilot You are completely making sense. #notintendedasafactualstatement
@rainbowdashismycopilot Nope, missed it, but the event now has a KYM page. :3
So I herd Jon Kyl likes ponies. #notintendedtobeafactualstatement
@squeegy Night, squeegy.
No more stuff I have to do tonight. :3
@twilight Is it both?
@twilight Then which one of you is mai waifu?
@twilightsparkle @twilight I'm confus. When did there start being two of you?
@princessluna @nutterguy I know, right?
So, I finally have time to do pony things.
@mahvelpony my winter wrap up comes next month
anybody think this weekend needs to be longer?
@emerlpegalad Thanks for the pic, brony. I owe you one. :D
@thistlewhistle That's what I keep hearing.
@mahvelpony :(