Notices by Lee (beatstrings), page 3

  1. @metaltao NO I'm not mean! I just think he kind of looks like:

    Saturday, 05-Jul-14 01:11:15 UTC from web in context
  2. I'm on my morning ritual. Listening to this: Underrated and that's how I like it.

    Friday, 04-Jul-14 23:21:24 UTC from web in context
  3. @thewaifutyphoon Nope, no USBs Just a cloud drive on Though I have a external for other files and projects, but I rarely put anything school related on that thing. Only music, mlp and some projects I tend to procrastinate on.

    Thursday, 03-Jul-14 16:41:56 UTC from web in context
  4. It just came to me, in a mild state of fatigue whilst having caffeine crash.
    To help judge your own work, repeat these three phrases four times.
    It's perfect. (x4)
    It's flawed. (x4)
    It'll do. (x4)
    Now if you get a reaction in any of those within the process of chanting. That would be the case on how passionate you're making something there's a chart synced to provide average reading material. If it doesn't work for you, good, now I know it's flawed.

    Thursday, 03-Jul-14 16:18:30 UTC from web
  5. Oh, today I found Steve's notebook and missed being a child.

    Thursday, 03-Jul-14 14:01:56 UTC from web in context
  6. Sneaked in an !ART piece for those who are curious of my "real life" face. By the way, I did not edit, alter, or deliberately make myself look "anime" or "cartoon-like" in any way. I have awful thick brows and not to mention a permanent facial structure of abject madness. Anyways, hope this helps some of you who want to know how I actually look like. Cheers, pony folks!

    Monday, 30-Jun-14 21:20:56 UTC from web in context
  7. @metaltao Something like this, except I do it and you just sit there.

    Saturday, 28-Jun-14 23:58:19 UTC from web in context
  8. Here's a good example of narcissism. I don't like posting my OC. Never had anyone here know how my "OC" looks like. So, I just went here to fix that. Meh. Maybe it's !ART I dunno. It looks really unlikeable. So for others who would like to know it's full colors, well figure it out. Yes, my eyes are supposedly red like that.

    Saturday, 28-Jun-14 23:33:24 UTC from web in context
  9. Where was this gif when I was a mod?

    Monday, 23-Jun-14 05:32:40 UTC from web Repeat of scribus
  10. My skype account be like -

    Monday, 23-Jun-14 06:30:50 UTC from web in context
  11. You know that thing I said about vandalism yesterday? Well, what I did is basically something like this: Draw on free paper and stolen pencil. (borrowed, never returned) Done drawing, walk by the official board of notifications in my university. Take one of the tacks I saw on the board, leave it there, I took a pic of it, but since I'm such aware some don't like WIPs (I think it was) I continued to work to make it digital art on it until I pass out. So, TL:DR !ART because why not keep a twilight while you're at your day? Have a nice day/night everyone!

    Sunday, 22-Jun-14 05:04:44 UTC from web in context
  12. @metaltao You're so lazy.

    Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 08:08:20 UTC from web in context
  13. @clayinthecarpet

    Saturday, 14-Jun-14 01:45:20 UTC from web in context
  14. Hachie is so hyped, it's giving me headaches and bite marks. Yeah he's kind of new. 4 mo. after Inkie, Blinkie, Dinky and Clyde.

    Saturday, 14-Jun-14 01:20:55 UTC from web in context
  15. Hey, human twi, original sketch (realism) by my buddy Arin. Then he asked me to color it. See how bad we make synergy? !ART tagged as Human, Portrait, and/or # Have a nice day/night everyone! Cheers!

    Friday, 13-Jun-14 01:43:43 UTC from web in context
  16. This how Arin and I do favors for one another. Funny we never consider this as an issue.

    Monday, 09-Jun-14 21:54:19 UTC from web
  17. Oh my God, do my eyes deceive me? There's a new ERB and they have Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King on it!?

    Monday, 09-Jun-14 09:34:25 UTC from web in context
  18. I don't know how I feel about this. You think this is worth a shot?

    Monday, 09-Jun-14 08:27:41 UTC from web
  19. @flashmint This: But yeah I'm drawing on my tablet.

    Sunday, 08-Jun-14 13:38:13 UTC from web in context
  20. @snowcone Playing League, in hopes I'll hit asian bronze.

    Sunday, 08-Jun-14 08:14:14 UTC from web in context
  21. Just a repost with proper tagging - !art
    I know, I kind of consider this as spamming too. Have a nice day/night everyone!

    Sunday, 08-Jun-14 06:57:36 UTC from web
  22. So, I've returned. Hello RDN. The feeling of disconnection feels utterly creepy and melancholic. This past month, week after my birthday, things was great. Well, it was until some things happened, stirred me of putting myself into place as a brother, more like a caring family member. I tried to continue my artworks I really do. But, it seems like I just don't know what to draw. Here's my latest, it's just basic. Enjoy, cheers! Have a nice day/night everyone.

    Friday, 06-Jun-14 17:09:14 UTC from web in context
  23. Uh, cookie? A girl commissioned this in a con approx. 3 days ago, she's sweet, and has an insane talent for baking cookies. Most importantly she loves ponies. So I did this side project and I think it's pretty enough for a repost. Have some !ART and have a nice day/night everyone! Hearts! <3 <3 <3

    Sunday, 27-Apr-14 21:49:05 UTC from web in context
  24. I still love you guys. Here's the portraits I'm working on. Cheers! !ART

    Thursday, 24-Apr-14 09:06:48 UTC from web
  25. Update: my parents arrived some days ago and I'm currently recovering from the torment my school gave me. I finally graduated with some medals. But thing is, I'm still drawing, like, really I'm still trying hard to give some presence just to let you guys know I'm still here, partly relieved and sometimes fatigue. But, what's important is I love this site, I love coming and going every now and then. Here's some !ART for reading this dash. I did it some time ago, practicing anatomy. Cheers everybody, have a nice day/night!

    Sunday, 30-Mar-14 20:54:22 UTC from web in context
  26. Argh, I feel incomplete without posting any art. Okay. Calm down. !ART Since who knows when, I've been trying to practice drawing errr... Humans. So here, have a practice work of anatomeee.

    Thursday, 13-Mar-14 04:15:13 UTC from web in context
  27. What have I been up to? If you still remember me, well I'm that depressed dude who likes to draw. And if anyone asks how I'm doing, well... this picture explains better. Meet my pets! Inkie, Dinky, Blinkie and Clyde.(right to left) Hope to post something more worth looking at. Summer's near for me and I hope that comes true. Stay cool RDN, I'll be home soon.

    Thursday, 13-Mar-14 04:10:51 UTC from web in context
  28. Happy valentines, or if I missed greeting you, belated happy valentines! <3 With someone special or not, it's still a love month so smile, so I'll drop a cheesy quote somewhere... kidding. Have an !ART Cheers! Keep loving and have a nice day/night everyone~

    Saturday, 15-Feb-14 03:31:17 UTC from web in context
  29. Panty-less! Because, why not have the two edits I have? Share it with everyone else! <3 !ART

    Tuesday, 28-Jan-14 22:21:02 UTC from web in context
  30. "I heard the words of comfort as I traverse the mist of anger, hate and wars. I heard love of people I trust, they painlessly healed my scars." -Beatstrings. Today, I just wanted to show a little side project. I've been in better state of mind and still dying to find time for myself. But, with all that aside, I made # for the local visitors and enthusiast of my artwork. Note that this is a SIDE project, I just did this for fun. It's title is respectively a word I'm hardly doing: Relax. Thanks for sticking around and I hope to anyone who supported me to see this. Okay, I'm not gonna lie it is partly # but it's not really heavy on that, so might as well post it. Have a nice day/night you!

    Tuesday, 28-Jan-14 18:05:22 UTC from web in context