JD's home timeline


  1. greetings fellow RDN users.

    Friday, 19-Jul-13 16:16:30 UTC from web
  2. i sell cocaine and cocaine accecesories! #

    Friday, 19-Jul-13 16:23:55 UTC from web
  3. Whoa, 760 dead on the UK due to the heat wave. That's a lot.

    Friday, 19-Jul-13 16:08:28 UTC from web
  4. @zeldatra Would you rather look like your MLB self, or your current avatar self?

    Sunday, 14-Jul-13 20:52:31 UTC from web
  5. Body language can turn your superhero into a male prostitute.

    Sunday, 14-Jul-13 20:31:06 UTC from web
  6. And I'm afraid I'm done here for today. You people enjoy your nights or morning or whatevers without me. Bye!

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 22:00:36 UTC from web
  7. @pegasusjones Reminds me of every time I decide to play Morrowind or Oblivion. Toss in all mods that seem interesting, game stops working, I spend days resinstalling and testing and fixing until it works. Then I play it for a couple days and then I kind of just stop. It's pretty fun.

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 21:28:52 UTC from web
  8. @flaxx on RDN? My goodness.

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 20:57:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  9. >looks up Rainbow Dash for wing reference >Oh dear GOD

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 21:17:26 UTC from web
  10. Oh /now/ he wants attention.

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 20:02:06 UTC from web
  11. Oh god, my throat hurts D=

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 21:05:33 UTC from web

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 20:49:49 UTC from web
  13. Fan.

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 20:41:12 UTC from web
  14. @snowcone Yes I am hereby imposing a 10 post a day limit

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 20:33:42 UTC from web