JD's home timeline


  1. @snowcone so what's new with you dude?

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 16:23:13 UTC from StatusNet Android
  2. @rarity now do you remember who i am?

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 15:54:04 UTC from StatusNet Android
  3. well, i have to go. see ya

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 15:39:55 UTC from web
  4. Hello all

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 15:24:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
  5. @mushi Collette has Judgement. It kills everything cmon

    Friday, 09-Aug-13 01:16:30 UTC from web
  6. aaaaand i'm back!

    Saturday, 10-Aug-13 22:45:57 UTC from web
  7. sup all?

    Saturday, 10-Aug-13 23:19:57 UTC from web
  8. hello all

    Saturday, 10-Aug-13 22:42:58 UTC from web
  9. @lyraawlderpy i'm alright, just relaxing on my laptop at my friends house. and ah okay.

    Saturday, 10-Aug-13 23:08:40 UTC from web
  10. Gnight ponies :D

    Saturday, 10-Aug-13 23:05:22 UTC from web
  11. hello guys, i am back.

    Saturday, 10-Aug-13 22:42:27 UTC from web
    • I'm back

      Saturday, 10-Aug-13 20:20:11 UTC from web
    • So I just rendered a shot that I won't use, but it was satisfying to render. I'm going to reward myself by reading this King of the Hill thingy. It's by an author that I like so whatever maybe it won't be bad.

      Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:11:15 UTC from web
    • @sprite that was random lol

      Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:40:16 UTC from web
    • time to go back to playing this really bad game.

      Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:41:42 UTC from web
      • dat colossal

        Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:22:01 UTC from web
      • @theawesomepony you are a titan!

        Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:20:10 UTC from web
      • changed to something more suitiable

        Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:22:00 UTC from web
        • time to change my name.

          Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:21:07 UTC from web
          • @vt3c just got done watching some anime. you?

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:20:24 UTC from web
          • @sprite what's up?

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:17:51 UTC from web
          • @widget @cabal oh, I've just happened to see you sent a test-dent (http://www.rainbowdash.net/notice/2822603, 11 days ago) to @McScx@oracle.skilledtests.com . The test will have failed, but perhaps only because my non-RDN statusnet address is actually @McScx@quitter.se . Or perhaps you wanted to reach erkanyilmaz@oracle.skilledtests.com

            Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 02:21:13 UTC from web
          • Attention! If you use FireFox or Thunderbird please update to the latest versions to fix an issue with SSL certs due to new techniques in MitM attacks, thank you.

            Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 09:10:23 UTC from web
            • @widget Not neccesarily. Someone can pay without claiming ownership.

              Saturday, 20-Jul-13 03:10:17 UTC from web
            • You know I am impressed with RUA 2. Being able to pimp out your unicorns and add wings and such. Verynice. And pciking your own songs is all the better.

              Sunday, 21-Jul-13 18:15:37 UTC from web
            • also, what's up all

              Sunday, 21-Jul-13 18:22:24 UTC from web
              • fits so well lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtWo-bmUxN0

                Sunday, 21-Jul-13 18:22:02 UTC from web
                • @cabal @nerthos Hi. A statusnet security issue has been discovered and @erkanyilmaz@oracle.skilledtests.com sent you a dent to tell you about it. Unfortunately the dent seems not to have reached Rainbowdash: http://quitter.se/conversation/1885043#notice-2073448 Best regards :-)

                  Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:52 UTC from web
                • @awesam15 hello

                  Friday, 19-Jul-13 16:36:17 UTC from web
                • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_oYdc3hTYk check this out

                  Friday, 19-Jul-13 16:28:53 UTC from web