Centurion's home timeline


  1. Hey RDN, do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

    Sunday, 12-Mar-17 01:16:36 UTC from web
  2. I only know one word of Farsi and it's on the filterlist.

    Sunday, 12-Mar-17 00:57:38 UTC from web
  3. sorry to the person who got offended because i insulted russia????????? i didn't think that was a controversial opinion to have????????????

    Wednesday, 08-Mar-17 22:29:17 UTC from web
  4. If you can't find metal stucco lath, use carbon-fiber stucco lath. Now parge the lath.

    Wednesday, 08-Mar-17 21:03:25 UTC from web
    • The CIA's guide to using Git properly https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_1179773.html

      Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 16:36:16 UTC from web
      • Mako saying "THE OCEAN IS A VIOLENT AND UNPREDICTABLE FORCE, JUST LIKE MYSELF" is the funniest thing I've heard all week

        Monday, 06-Mar-17 22:32:21 UTC from web
      • https://i.imgur.com/7bThKGQ.jpg

        Monday, 06-Mar-17 21:59:50 UTC from web
        • this total 9/10 hottie i went to school with has such low standards and it makes me wonder if i could have boarded that choo choo train

          Monday, 06-Mar-17 19:03:47 UTC from web
        • Horizon: Zero Dawn is the best thing I've played in years

          Monday, 06-Mar-17 18:12:00 UTC from web
        • It's weird that you guys would start talking about Ross. I messaged him on hangouts with "Rest in peace, Ross" like 2 days ago. Of course, there was no reply.

          Friday, 03-Mar-17 21:56:43 UTC from web
        • hey, if chris and I rebooted MattimationGames, what kinds of videos/games would people wanna see

          Friday, 03-Mar-17 21:42:57 UTC from web
        • Obama's not even president anymore and Trump is still trying to blame him for things he has no control over.

          Tuesday, 28-Feb-17 18:26:08 UTC from web
        • If anybody's normal here, I don't think it's the person on a My Little Pony network.

          Wednesday, 01-Mar-17 04:38:24 UTC from web
        • somebody donated $100 on stream so that i could draw soriel porn, kill me

          Wednesday, 01-Mar-17 01:37:59 UTC from web
        • Guys, my kittie has a drinking problem =( http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/857378

          Wednesday, 01-Mar-17 01:29:24 UTC from web
        • https://i.imgur.com/NRo3lkw.jpg Sure I'll put a spoiler on my spaceship. Whatever!

          Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:44:06 UTC from web
          • @nerthos she is more calm now http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/857200

            Thursday, 23-Feb-17 22:33:20 UTC from web
          • What the kiwi was with Rugrats, they're like babies but talk??

            Thursday, 23-Feb-17 20:55:56 UTC from web
          • and not just monkey faeces either

            Thursday, 23-Feb-17 20:23:19 UTC from web
            • Was Gene Roddenberry gay? I'm reading this Star Trek story and he goes into an unnecessary amount of detail about Khan's beauty.

              Thursday, 23-Feb-17 17:03:59 UTC from web
            • I support Calexit because then the NCR will be a real

              Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:45:03 UTC from web
            • Well, I finally made the effort to start Fallout 4's DLCs. Just started Nuka World. I guess they thought the "Sunshine and Rainbows" - "I don't get a pony?" line from the end of the main questline was too subtle a reference.

              Wednesday, 22-Feb-17 22:57:40 UTC from web
              • I can't believe that Skinners Sense of Snow is from Season 12. How can this be

                Wednesday, 22-Feb-17 20:14:44 UTC from web
              • You heard it here first, folks. I am going to SUE THE PRESIDENT, just like John Boehner.

                Saturday, 18-Feb-17 17:35:23 UTC from web
              • trump's been in office for a month and he's already back to holding campaign rallies

                Saturday, 18-Feb-17 17:15:51 UTC from web
              • watching this Bill Maher interview with Milo and his "mean words don't hurt people" argument is stupid

                Saturday, 18-Feb-17 13:17:21 UTC from web
              • "Oh no are you triggered, snowflake?" cries a group of people characterised by their tendency to dissolve into hysterics when someone implies that being a white male doesn't make you special.

                Saturday, 18-Feb-17 12:56:55 UTC from web
              • Childish Gambino cover of "Africa" incoming????

                Saturday, 18-Feb-17 12:12:31 UTC from web
              • https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4VNwWSWMAARTJi.jpg:large

                Friday, 10-Feb-17 23:12:00 UTC from web
              • who's been drawing dicks

                Friday, 10-Feb-17 21:38:40 UTC from web